Vynnytska B.O., Mayevska O.M., Kurlishchuk Y.V., Bobak Y.P., Stasyk O.V. Canavanine augments proapoptotic effects of arginine deprivation in cultured human cancer cells // Anticancer Drugs. – 2011. – V.22 (2). – P. 148 – 157. (IF=2.407) (Scopus)
Jozwiak J, Rzhepetskyy Y, Sobczak M, Kocik E, Skorzewski R, Klopocka W, Redowicz MJ. C-terminal fragment of amebin promotes actin filament bundling, inhibits acto-myosin ATPase activity and is essential for amoeba migration // Arch. Biochem. Biophys. – 2011. – V. 506(1). – P. 99-108. (IF=2.935) (Scopus)
Nazarko V.Y., Nazarko T.Y., Farre J.C., Stasyk O.V., Warnecke D., Ulaszewski S., Cregg J.M., Sibirny A.A., Subramani S. Atg35, a micropexophagy-specific protein that regulates micropexophagic apparatus formation in Pichia pastoris // Autophagy. – 2011. – V. 7(4). – P. 375-385. (IF=7.453) (Scopus)
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Vovk O.I., Rzhepetskyy Y.A., Pereverzeva H.G., Stasyk O.V. Expression of recombinant human argininosuccinate synthetase in Escherichia coli // Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica. – 2011. – Том 5. - №3 - С. 19–28. (Google Scholar)
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Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Bobak Y., Garbe Y., Dittfeld C., Stasyk O., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Single amino acid arginine starvation efficiently sensitizes cancer cells to canavanine treatment and irradiation // Int. J. Cancer. – 2012. – V. 130, № 9. – P. 2164 – 2175 (IF=6.198). (Scopus)
Zakalskiy AE, Zakalska OM, Rzhepetskyy YA, Potocka N, Stasyk OV, Horak D, Gonchar MV. Overexpression of (His)(6)-tagged human arginase I in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enzyme purification using metal affinity chromatography // Protein Expr Purif. -2012.- 81(1). –P. 63-68. (IF=1.429) (Scopus)
Samoylenko A., Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Byts N., Kozlova N., Basaraba O., Pasichnyk H., Palyvoda K., Bobak Ya., Barska M., Mayevska O., Rzhepetskyy Y., Shuvayeva H., Lyzogubov V., Usenko V., Savran V., Volodko N., Buchman V.L., Kietzmann T., Drobot L. Increased levels of the HER1 adaptor protein Rukl/CIN85 contribute to breast cancer malignancy // Carcinogenesis. - 2012.- Vol. 33, №10.-P. 1976-1984 (IF=5.635) (Scopus)
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Krasovska O.S., Stasyk O.V., Sibirny A.A. Stable overproducer of hepatitis B surface antigen in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha due to multiple integration of heterologous auxotrophic selective markers and defect in peroxisome biogenesis // Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. – 2013. – Vol. 97, No. 23. – P. 9969-9979 (ІF=3.811) (Scopus)
Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Kurlishchuk Y., Bobak Y., Dittfeld C., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O. Three–dimensional environment renders cancer cells profoundly less susceptible to a single amino acid starvation // Amino Acids. – 2013. – V. 45, № 5. – P. 1221-1230 (IF=3.653) (Scopus)
Chen O., Kavalets B., Barska M., Lyniv L., Vovk O., Sybirna N. Stasyk O. Effect of combinational arginase and canavanine treatment on normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro // Curr. Issues Pharm. Med. Sci. – 2013 - Vol. 26, No. 4, Pages 385–389. (Scopus)
Sybirna N.O., Brodyak I.V., Barska M.L., Vovk O.I. Participation of Phosphatidylinositol-3ʼ-kinase in Perception and Signal Transduction through Galactosyl-Containing Glycoprotein Receptors of Segmented Leukocytes under Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus // International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology. – 2013– V.4, №3. – P. 213-230. (IF=0.150) (Google Scholar)
Petryk N., Zhou Y.F., Sybirna K., Mucchielli M.H., Guiard B., Bao W.G., Stasyk O.V., Stasyk O.G., Krasovska O.S., Budin K., Reymond N., Imbeaud S., Coudouel S., Delacroix H., Sibirny A., Bolotin-Fukuhara M. Functional study of the Hap4-like genes suggests that the key regulators of carbon metabolism HAP4 and oxidative stress response YAP1 in yeast diverged from a common ancestor. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 5;9(12):e112263. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112263. eCollection 2014. (IF=3.234) (Scopus)
Mathias Stiller, Martyna Molak, Stefan Prost, Gernot Rabeder, Gennady Baryshnikov, Wilfried Rosendahl, Susanne Münzel, Hervé Bocherens, Aurora Grandal-dʼAnglade, Brigitte Hilpert, Mietje Germonpré, Oleh Stasyk, Ron Pinhasi, Andrea Tintori, Nadin Rohland, Elmira Mohandesan, Simon Y.W. Ho, Michael Hofreiter, Michael Knapp Mitochondrial DNA diversity and evolution of the Pleistocene cave bear complex // Quaternary International. – 2014. – 339–340:224-231 (IF=2.062) (Scopus)
Vynnytska-Myronovska B.O., Bobak Y.P., Pasichnyk G.V., Igumentseva N.I., Samoylenko A.A., Drobot L.B.. Multiple molecular forms of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 specifically associate with different subcellular compartments in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells. Ukr Biochem J. 2014 Sep-Oct;86(5):102-10. (Google Scholar)
Denega I.O., Klymyshyn N.I., Sybirna N.O., Stasyk О.V., Stasyk О.G.. Modeling of molecular processes underlying Parkinsonʼs disease in cells of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha // Біологічні студії/Studia Biologica. – 2014. – Т. 8, № 12. – C. 5–16. (Google Scholar)
Stasyk O.V., Boretsky Y.R., Gonchar M.V. and Sibirny A.A. Recombinant arginine-degrading enzymes in metabolic anticancer therapy and bioanalytics. // Cell Biology International. – 2015 – Vol. 39, No.3 – P. 246–252. (IF=1.933) (Scopus)
Pavlyk Yu., Rzhepetskyy Yu., Jagielski A., Drozak J., Wasik A., Pereverzieva G., Olchowik M., Kunz‑Schugart L., Stasyk O., Redowicz MJ. Arginine deprivation affects glioblastoma cell adhesion, invasiveness and actin cytoskeleton organization by impairment of β‑actin arginylation // Amino Acids. – 2015. – V.47. P. 199–212 (IF=3.293) (Scopus)
Karolczak J1., Pavlyk I., Majewski Ł., Sobczak M., Niewiadomski P., Rzhepetskyy Y., Sikorska A., Nowak N., Pomorski P., Prószyński T., Ehler E., Rędowicz M.J. Involvement of unconventional myosin VI in myoblast function and myotube formation. Histochem Cell Biol. 2015 Jul;144(1):21-38. (IF=3.054) (Scopus)
Fedorovych D., Boretsky Y., Bobak Ya., Prokopiv T., Sybirny A. Putative ferroxidases in the flavinogenic yeast Pichia guilliermondii are regulated by iron acquisition. // Tsitologiia i genetika (Cytology and Genetics). – 2015. – Vol.49, No.5 – P. 13-19. (IF=0.379) (Google Scholar)
Bobak Y., Kurlishchuk Y., Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Grydzuk O., Shuvayeva G., Redowicz M.J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O. Arginine deprivation induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in human solid cancer cells // Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2016 70:29-38. (IF=3.910)
Vynnytska-Myronovska B.O., Kurlishchuk Y., Chen O., Bobak Y., Dittfeld C., Hüther M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O.V. Arginine starvation in colorectal carcinoma cells: Sensing, impact on translation control and cell cycle distribution // Exp Cell Res. 2016 Feb 1;341(1):67-74. (IF=3.380)
Chen O., Barska M., Lyniv L., Vovk O., Sybirna N., Stasyk O. Effect of combined arginase and nitric oxide donor treatment of normal and leukemic cells in vitro // Studia Biologica. – 2016. – V. 10, N 1. – P. 17–28.
Vovk O., Chen O., Igumentseva N., Senchuk O., Barska M., Sybirna N., Stasyk O. Effect of combined arginase and canavanine treatment on leukemic cells in vitro and in vivo // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2016. – V. 88, N 2. – P. 45–55.
Barska M., Savran V., Stoika R. Apoptosis of blood leukocytes in patients with breast cancer // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016. – Issue 73. – P. 17-21.
Stasyk O., Romanyshyn O., Denega I., Klymyshyn N., Stasyk O. Influence of different concentrations of extracellular glucose on cytotoxicity of human α-synuclein in model strains of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016. – Issue 73. – P. 85-95.
Chen O., Barska M., Tsymbalyuk-Voloshyn I., Kozlova O., Stasyk O., Sybirna N. Impact of the recombinanat arginase on the viability of the peripheral blood blasts from patients with leukemia in vitro // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016 – Issue 73. – P. 342-346.
Farré J.C., Carolino K., Stasyk O.V., Stasyk O.G., Hodzic Z., Agrawal G., Till A., Proietto M., Cregg J., Sibirny A.A., Subramani S. A New Yeast Peroxin, Pex36, a Functional Homolog of Mammalian PEX16, Functions in the ER-to-Peroxisome Traffic of Peroxisomal Membrane Proteins // J Mol Biol. – 2017. – 429(23). – P. 3743-3762. (IF=4.630)
Hinrichs C.N., Ingargiola M., Käubler T., Löck S., Temme A., Köhn-Luque A., Deutsch A., Vovk O., Stasyk O., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Arginine Deprivation Therapy: Putative Strategy to Eradicate Glioblastoma Cells by Radiosensitization // Mol Cancer Ther. – 2017. – doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-16-0807. (IF=5.760)
Mayevska O., Chen O., Karatsai O., Bobak Y., Barska M., Lyniv L., Pavlyk I., Rzhepetskyy Y., Igumentseva N., Redowicz M.J., Stasyk O. Nitric oxide donor augments antineoplastic effects of arginine deprivation in human melanoma cells // Exp Cell Res. – 2017. – 355(2). – P. 162-171. (IF=3.550)
Stasyuk N., Gayda G., Zakalskiy A., Zakalska O., Fayura L., Vovk O., Stasyk O., Sibirny A., and Gonchar M. Recombinant forms of arginase and argininedeiminaseas catalytic components of argitest enzymatic kit for l-arginine analysis // Nauka innov. – 2017. – 13(4). – P. 64—72.
Chapters in Monographs:
Stasyk O.V. Methylotrophic yeasts as producers of recombinant proteins. In: Biotechnology of yeasts and filamentous fungi // Springer International Publishing AG 2017. – P. 325-350. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-58829-2.
Stasyk O.G. Pathways of abnormal alpha-synuclein degradation and their role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease / Stasyk O.G., Matiytsiv N.P., Dronska Kh.A., Klymyshyn N.I., Bobak Ya.P., Stasyk O.V. // General theory of health and healthcare: a collective monograph / according to the general editing by prof. Yu.D. Boychuk. – Kharkiv, 2017. – 488 p.