Articles for 2015 Year » page 12 » Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine
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Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


All-Ukrainian Public Organization Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology (USCB), is a non-profit voluntary and self-governing scientific-public organization of scientists, lecturers, post-graduate students and other citizens of Ukraine, established to satisfy their public and scientific interests in the field of cell and molecular biology, biotechnology and in related fields of science, education, medicine, agriculture, food industry, etc.


History of the society: The 1st Inaugural Ukrainian Congress on Cell Biology of Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology took place in Lviv on April 25-28, 2004, where it was represented by 14 regional offices in Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Vinnytsia, Chernihiv, Uzhgorod, Lutsk, Sevastopol, Simferopol. At that time the total number of members was 549, among which 187 students. The Society has acquired the status of legal entity at September 13, 2004 after State registration by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (No.2143) and registration by the Executive committee of Lviv city council.


USCB is a member of International Federation for Cell Biology (IFCB).


It was formally established in St. Louis in 1972 to coordinate and support Cell Biology activities throughout the world, as well as representing cell biology in the International Union of Biological Sciences. The affiliation makes the IFCB a constituent of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and puts our congresses officially under the aegis of the latter. This is of particular importance to colleagues in some countries who may become eligible for grants to attend international congresses sponsored by the ISCU. The IFCB is also represented in the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO) which functions in UNESCO.

Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


of All-Ukrainian Public OrganizationUkrainian Society of Cell Biology




1.1. All-Ukrainian Public Organization Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology (hereinafter referred to as the Society), is a voluntary and self-governing scientific-public organization of scientists, instructors, post-graduate students and other citizens of Ukraine, established to satisfy its public and scientific interests in the field of cell and molecular biology, biotechnology and in related fields of science, education, medicine, agriculture, food industry, etc.

1.2. The society is established and functions in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine On citizens' associations, On scientific and scientific-technological activity, the present Charter and other, bylaws regulating activity of public organizations.

1.3. The society is a non-profit organization.

1.4. The society shall function on the principles of lawfulness, common interests and equality of the rights of its members, openness, voluntary participation and self-government.




2.1. The society shall acquire the status of a legal entity from the date of its state registration by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

2.2. The society shall have its seal, stamp, letterheads, logos and other relevant requisites.

2.3. The society shall have its independent balance, accounts in the banking establishments of Ukraine and abroad, and shall have the right to acquire on its behalf proprietary and non-proprietary rights and be a participant of civil-legal relations.

2.4. The society shall represent cell and molecular-biological science in the state bodies, scientific and educational establishments, scientific-public organizations of Ukraine and abroad.

2.5. The name and legal address of standing executive body of All-Ukrainian Public Organization Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology: Central Council, Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology, Ukraine, 79005, Lviv, Drahomanova St. 14/16.




3.1. The main goal of activity of the Society is consolidation of efforts of its members and other citizens in resolving fundamental and applied problems of cell and molecular biology and related sciences, safeguarding their professional interests, support of democratic principles in scientific and pedagogical activity, mutual coordination of research and development works and sharing experience of scientists.

3.2. In order to achieve these goals the Society shall set forth the following tasks:


  • propagation of scientific and practical achievements of cell and molecular biology and related sciences;
  • coordination of scientific research works in cell and molecular biology among the members of the Society;
  • promotion of prestige of cell and molecular biology in Ukraine and abroad;
  • all-round scientific and methodological support to higher and secondary schools in the field of cell and molecular biology;
  • organization of scientific events on the issues of cell and molecular biology (congresses, conventions, conferences, symposia, schools-seminars, etc.) on the national and international levels;
  • cooperation with international scientific societies (such as IFCB (International Federation of Cell Biology Societies} and IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), foreign scientific establishments, foundations, biotechnological corporations, etc.;
  • establishment of and participation in publishing of periodical scientific-theoretical journal dedicated to cell and molecular biology;
  • assistance in training of cell and molecular biologists of various levels of qualification;
  • implementation of democratic principles in scientific and pedagogical activity.




  • making proposals to the bodies of power and management on the issues of development of science and education in cell and molecular biology and in related sciences, biotechnological industries in Ukraine;
  • founding of and membership in international scientific-public organizations and associations in Ukraine and abroad;
  • propaganda of ideas and goals of activity of the Society;
  • concluding agreements with the Ukrainian and foreign partners in Ukraine and abroad for accomplishment of goals set forth in the Charter;
  • representing and safeguarding its lawful interests and interests of its members in public and governmental offices;
  • founding mass information media;
  • development of social security of its members;
  • carrying out economic activity by way of establishment of cost-accounting establishments, organizations, founding enterprises for the accomplishment of goals set forth in the Charter.




5.1. The Society shall consist of:


  • individual members;
  • honorary members;
  • collective members.


Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


A list of officials of Ukrainian Society for Cell Biology




Dr. Andrey Sibirny

Director of the Institute of Cell Biology,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Member of NAS of Ukraine,


Head of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology,

Drahomanov St., 14/16, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

Tel./Fax: (38 0322) 72 16 48



Executive Secretary


Marina Barska

Scientific Secretary of ICB NAS of Ukraine,

Ph.D., Senior Scientist,

Department of Cell Signalling,

Institute of Cell Biology,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukrane,

Drahomanov St., 14/16, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

Tel. (380)-(322)-612142





Professor Mykola Veselovsky

Head of the Department

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Bogomoletz str., 4, 01601 Kyiv-24 Ukraine

Tel.: (38 044) 253 07 01; Fax: (38 044) 253 64 58



Professor Elizaveta Kordyum

Head of the Department

M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Tereschenkivska st., 2, 01004, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tel.: (38 044) 224 50 41; Fax: (38 044) 224 10 64



Professor Svetlana Sidorenko

Head of the Laboratory

R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology,

Oncology and Radiobiology,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Vasylkivska st. 45, Kyiv 03022, Ukraine

Tel.: (38 044) 259 70 85; Fax: (38 044) 267 16 56



Professor Valentyn Pidgorsky

Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Virusology,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Acad. Zabolotnogo St., 154, 03627 Kyiv 143, Ukraine

Tel.: (38 044) 266 11 79; Fax: (38 044) 266 23 79;


Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


Society organized the following scientific meetings:


Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


To became a member please contact one of the regional chapters, listed at the Ukrainian version of the page.

Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


International conference "Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology"


For the attention of specialists in the field of cell biology, microbiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, immunology.


Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology" inform you about International Conference on Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology that will be held on October 11-13, 2015 in Lviv, Ukraine at the House of Scientists (Address: 6, Lystopadovoho Chynu, Lviv, Ukraine, 79000).


List of planned sessions:

  1. Recent advances in cell biology.
  2. Prospects of Biotechnology.


The conference provides participation of leading ukrainian and foreign scientists.


Working language - English.


How to participate:


Deadline for Abstract submission - July 30, 2015.


Registration form and abstracts should be filled and sent to the conference e-mail:


The registration fee for participation in the conference and the publication of abstracts is 200 €.


Materials received after the deadline will not be accepted. Each person may submit up to 3 abstracts.


Invitation letters to the participants of the conference will be sent by email to 25 September 2015.


Complete information is presented on the website:


Participation of young scientists, PhD students and students in the conference is warmly supported by the organizing committee.




Address: Institute of Cell Biology, NAS of Ukraine, Drahomanov Street, 14/16, Lviv, 79005 Ukraine.


Dmytruk K.V., Head of Secretariat
PhD, Senior Scientist
Phone: 00 380 32 261 2142;
FAX: 00 380 32 261 2108,
  Barska M.L., Executive Secretary of
Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology, PhD,
Phone: 00 380 32 261 2142;
FAX: 00 380 32 261 2108,

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


International conference "Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology"


Conference Program and Abstract Book: УТКБ / Програма конференції 2015 і Збірник тез | Conference 2015 program and Abstract book

download (.pdf)
Conference Program and Abstract Book: УТКБ / Програма конференції 2015 і Збірник тез | Conference 2015 program and Abstract book

download (.doc)
Postersʼ size: 75 x 75 cm

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


International conference "Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology"


Conference fee covers printing of up to 3 abstracts, rent of session halls, posters stands and other conference materials, lunch, get-together party, 2 coffee-break, Lviv city tour, performance at the Lviv Opera House, excursion to Pochaev Lavra.


Download file Payment and Accommodation.


Conference fee depend on registration date:

Registration type before July 30, 2015 after July 30, 2015
Regular participant 200 EUR 250 EUR
Accompanying person 150 EUR 200 EUR


Payment should be made to Ukrainian Society for Cell Biology.



Bank transfer in EURO Bebeficiary: Ukrainian Society for Cell Biology
Account №26009053823605
Beneficiary bank Privatbank, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Adress of USCB UA, 79005, Lvivska, Drahomanov St., 14/16, Lviv, Ukraine
IBAN Code UA 133253210000026009053823605


Intermediary banks:

Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt Germany,

Account: 100-947012110





Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,

Account: 400886700401



Payment for: Registration fee, International Conference on Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology (IC ACBB).




Organizing committee do not provide accomodation, however you can book a hotel using or other services.

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


International conference "Advances in Cell Biology and Biotechnology"


Sponsors of conference 2015

Laboratory Equipment & Supplies, POLAND


Partners of conference 2015

The Journal
“Cell and Organ Transplantology”
Associations of cryobanks
of cord blood banks and other human issues and cells
Ukrainian | English

Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology


International Symposium on Cell Biology jointly with 5th Ukrainian Congress for Cell Biology


For the attention of specialists in the field of cell biology, microbiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, immunology.


Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology" inform you about:


International Symposium on Cell Biology jointly with 5th Ukrainian Congress for Cell Biology that will be held on October 2-6, 2016 in Odesa, Ukraine at the Ilya Mechnikov Odesa National University.


List of planned sessions:

  1. Cell signaling mechanisms.
  2. Cell response on stress.
  3. Cellular, genetic and metabolic engineering.
  4. Tumor cell biology.
  5. Biology of stem cells and specialized cells and tissues.
  6. Plant cell biology.
  7. Apoptosis and autophagy.


Participation of leading ukrainian and foreign scientists is expected in the Congress.


Working language – English.


Conditions of participation:


Deadline for Abstract submission – May 31, 2016.


Registration form and abstracts should be filled and sent to the conference e-mail:


The registration fee for participation in the conference and the publication of abstracts is 200 €.


Materials received after the deadline will not be accepted. Each person may submit up to 3 abstracts.


Invitation letters to the participants of the conference will be sent by email before 1st September 2016.



Complete information is presented on the website:



Participation of young scientists, PhD students and students in the conference is warmly supported by the organizing committee.




Address: Institute of Cell Biology, NAS of Ukraine, Drahomanov Street, 14/16, Lviv, 79005 Ukraine.


Panchuk R.R., Head of Secretariat
PhD, Senior Scientist
Phone: 00 380 32 261 2287;
FAX: 00 380 32 261 2108,
  Barska M.L., Executive Secretary of
Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology, PhD,
Phone: 00 380 32 261 2142;
FAX: 00 380 32 261 2108,
