Articles for 2015 Year » page 4 » Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine
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Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Features of admission to graduate school of foreigners and stateless persons


  1. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter foreigners) are admitted to graduate school after earning a master's degree (educational qualification level of specialist) at the expense of funds legal or natural persons (under contract). An admission of foreigners to higher education institutions at the expense of the state budget is carried out within the limits of quotas for foreigners.

  2. For admission to graduate school, a foreigner should submit the following documents:
    1) an application form;
    2) the original and a copy of the master's degree (specialist);
    3) the original and copy of the diploma supplement;
    4) a copy of the birth document;
    5) a medical certificate of health status that was certified by an official health authority of the country from which the foreigner arrived and was issued no later than two months before departure for study in Ukraine;
    6) a copy of the alien's passport or identity card without citizenship;
    7) a valid health insurance policy;
    8) a copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (if any);
    9) the list of published scientific works and inventions that is officially certified at the place of work (training) (if any).
    The documents referred to in paragraphs 2,3,4,6 must be translated into Ukrainian with a notarization of translation.

  3. Admission of documents to postgraduate study for foreigners is carried out during the year, and entrance tests are held in September – October of the current year.

  4. Entrance tests for postgraduate study of foreigners are:
    – entrance examination in the specialty (in the scope of the educational program of educational level masters of the relevant specialty);
    – entrance examination in the language of choice of a foreigner (Ukrainian, English), on the basis of which the selection committee concludes the level of knowledge by a foreigner of a language of instruction sufficient to master the educational material;
    – interview of a foreigner with a supposed scientific supervisor, according to the results of which the scientific supervisor makes a written conclusion about the foreigner's ability to conduct scientific study, as well as to earn a Ph.D.
    On the results of these tests, the Admissions Committee decides on the enrollment of foreigners to a graduate school.

  5. According to a decision of the Admissions Committee and order of the director of the Institute of Cell Biology of the NAS of Ukraine by November 01 of the current year, and after signing the contract on a provision of graduate services of the educational services, the foreigners are admitted to graduate school.



Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Conditions for study and residence of foreigners and stateless persons


The Institute of Cell Biology of the NAS of Ukraine conducts educational activities using information resources, training equipment, laboratories, other objects, which confirm the ability of the educational institution to carry out educational activities in the stated amounts under the previously obtained license with the corresponding licensed amounts.


Use of information resources.


The official website of the Institute of Cell Biology of the NAS of Ukraine a (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) contains basic information about the activity of the educational establishment.


To ensure the qualitative training of specialists in the specialty 091 – Biology at the Institute at the appropriate level, the work has been organized on the organization of information support of the educational process. Thus, for carrying out self-study library operates a total area of 24.3 m2 for 15 seats.


The library provides an access to periodical editions in English in a relevant or related profile, educational and scientific information on a variety of media (textbooks, manuals, domestic and foreign professional periodicals) in sufficient numbers.


The volume of funds of the educational and scientific literature consists of 1,203 copies (in addition to the Licensing Terms of the “Information on the provision of educational program”). The mode of operation of the library is set taking into account the needs of the educational process and the intensity of visits by its participants.


The premises of the scientific library provide an access for teachers and postgraduate students to the Internet (the Institute has a gigabit access channel), which creates the conditions for expanding the possibilities of obtaining the necessary information during educational and scientific activities. There is also access to a paid digital resource, Web of Science, which houses scientific literature and patents, according to the agreement of the ICB NASU with the e-VERUM Consortium.


The Institute's library provides at least five national and foreign professional periodicals of the corresponding or related specialty profile 091 – Biology, whose names are presented in the Higher Education Information Support Sheets.


On the whole, the library provides an access to educational and scientific information, enhancement of knowledge, effective development of educational and scientific activities and meeting the information needs of teaching staff and graduate students.


Use of educational equipment of laboratories.


To carry out the preparation of Doctors of Philosophy at the Institute of Cell Biology of the NAS of Ukraine, an appropriate material and technical base was created, which allows to carry out the training of postgraduate students of the specialty 091 – Biology, taking into account the amount of the licensed amount.


The area of ​​educational premises at Drahomanov Street, Building. 14/16, Lviv, 79005, is 130.4 m2, including: rooms for student's classes (lecture rooms, classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, etc.) – 106.1 m2, computer labs – 24.3 m2.


The Institute has an conference hall of 72.1 m2 for lectures on subjects of cycles of vocational, as well as general training; organizational, festive events, and others.


The computer lab is located at the library, equipped with a PC (3 units with a maximum life of 8 years). Available equipment allows one to conduct courses in disciplines according to the curriculum using a modern software base with the use of educational multimedia programs.


The equipment of laboratories and the assembly hall necessary for providing the educational process for the training of specialists in the specialty 091 – Biology of the third educational-scientific level of education for the Doctorate of Philosophy, is presented in the Data on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of logistical support of educational activity in the field of higher education. The equipment and equipment of 2 laboratories is intended to ensure the implementation of the practical component of the educational and scientific program of IBK NAS of Ukraine. 12 postgraduate students can do practical work at the same time. In stock modern laboratory furniture. Modern equipment allows to carry out an experimental part of practical classes in accordance with the working and educational programs of the disciplines of the cycle of vocational training: Cytology and histology; Regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis; General Microbiology; Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms; Microbial Production of Proteins; Methods of Cell Biology; Animal Cell Biochemistry.


In all the classrooms, the proper conditions have been created to ensure the wide access of the postgraduate students and the teaching staff of the Institute to the Internet.


Provision of facilities used in the educational process for postgraduate studies (lecture rooms, lecture rooms, classrooms, laboratories, etc.), except for the area at Drahomanov Street, Building. 14/16, Lviv, 79005, is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, N 328, dated by 30.05.2016, and the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of scientific studies and carrying out of educational activity of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education for the purpose of preparation of Doctors of Philosophy between the Institute of Cell Biology of NAS of Ukraine and Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko of Ukraine dated by 13.03.2019.




Provision with a hostel and medical center, is in accordance with the Order of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, N 310, dated by May 24, 2016 “On providing postgraduate students of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine with dormitories and providing them with medical services and the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of scientific research and conducting educational activities of the third (educational (scientific) level of higher education for the preparation of PhDs between the Institute of Cell Biology of the NAS of Ukraine and the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, dated by 13.05.2019.


Thus, the preparation of postgraduate students in the specialty 091 – Biology of the third educational-scientific level of education in the field of knowledge 09 – Biology is fully equipped with training classrooms, specialized laboratories and offices, equipment and equipment necessary for the implementation of the educational training program for specialists.

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

