Articles for 2015 Year » page 6 » Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine



  1. Dmytruk K., Lyzak O., Yatsyshyn V., Kluz M., Sibirny V., Puchalski C., Sibirny A. Construction and fed-batch cultivation of Candida famata with enhanced riboflavin production // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2014. – Vol. 172. – P. 11-17. (IF=2.900)
  2. Kurylenko O., Ruchala J., Hryniv O., Abbas C., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Metabolic engineering and classic selection of the methylotrophic thermotolerant yeast Hansenula polymorpha for improvement of high-temperature xylose alcoholic fermentation // Microbial Cell Factories – 2014. – Vol.13, No.122 (IF=4.300)
  3. Rachkevych N., Sybirna K., Boyko S., Boretsky Y., Sibirny A. Improving the efficiency of plasmid transformation in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 by removing ClaI restriction site // J Microbiol Methods. – 2014. – Vol. 99. – P.35-37. (IF=2.300)
  4. Semkiv M.V., Dmytruk K.V., Abbas C.A., Sibirny A.A. Increased ethanol accumulation from glucose via reduction of ATP level in a recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae overexpressing alkaline phosphatase // BMC Biotechnol. – 2014. – Vol. 14, No. 1. – P. 42-47. (IF=2.600)
  5. Polupanov A.S., Sibirny A.A. Cytoplasmic extension peptide of Pichia pastoris glucose sensor Gss1 is not compulsory for glucose signaling // Cell. Biol. Int. – 2013. – Volume 38, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages: 172–178 (IF=1.640)
  6. Yatsyshyn V.Y., Fedorovych D.V., Sibirny A.A. Metabolic and bioprocess engineering of the yeast Candida famata for FAD production // Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology. – 2014. – Vol. 41, No. 5. – P. 823-835. (IF=2.500)
  7. *Smutok O.V., Dmytruk K.V., Karkovska M.I., Schuhmann W., Gonchar M.V., Sibirny A.A. D-lactate-selective amperometric biosensor based on the cell debris of the recombinant yeast Hansenula polymorpha // Talanta. – 2014. – V. 125. - P. 227-232 (IF=3.511)
  8. Фаюра Л.Р., Борецький Ю.Р., Пиняга Ю.В., Мартинюк Н.Б., Скороход В.В., Сибірний А.А.. Розробка технології культивування рекомбінантного штаму-продуцента Escherichia coli з метою отримання аргініндезімінази Mycoplasma hominis // Наука та інновації. – 2014. – Т.10, №4. – С.32-39.
  9. Дмитрук О.В., Сибірний А.А. Катаболітна деградація фруктозо-1,6-бісфосфатази у метилотрофних дріжджів Pichia pastoris і Hansenula polymorpha // Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів: Зб. наук. пр. / Укр. т-во генетиків і селекціонерів ім. М.І. Вавилова. – К., 2014. – Т.15, С. 55–59.
  10. Лужецький Т.Б., Семків М.В., Кшановська Б.В., Дмитрук К.В., Сибірний А.А. Підвищення термотолерантності промислових спиртових дріжджів шляхом дерепресії генів синтезу трегалози // Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів: Зб. наук. пр. / Укр. т-во генетиків і селекціонерів ім. М.І. Вавилова. – К., 2014. – Т.15, С. 95-99.
  11. *Sibirny A.A. Pexophagy Sensing and Signaling in the Methylotrophic Yeasts // Molecular Machines Involved in Peroxisome Biogenesis and Maintenance / C. Brocard and A. Hartig. - Springer-Verlag Wien. - 2014. – P. 507-527, 1,2 ум.друк арк.
  12. *Sibirny A., Madzak C., Fickers P. Genetic engineering of nonconventional yeasts for the production of valuable compounds // Microbial Biotechnology: Progress and Trends / Ed. by F.D. Harzevili and H. Chen. – Springer. – 2014. - Chapter 4. – P. 62-109, 2,22 ум.друк.арк.



  1. Dmytruk K., Kshanovska B., Abbas C., Sibirny A. New methods for positive selection of yeast ethanol overproducing mutants // Bioethanol.- 2015.- Vol. 2. P. 24–31.
  2. Fedorovych D., Boretsky Y., Bobak Ya., Prokopiv T., Sybirny A. Putative ferroxidases in the flavinogenic yeast Pichia guilliermondii are regulated by iron acquisition. // Tsitologiia i genetika (Cytology and Genetics). – 2015. – Vol.49, No.5 – P. 13-19. (IF=0.400)
  3. *Stasyk O.V., Boretsky Y.R., Gonchar M.V. and Sibirny A.A. Recombinant arginine-degrading enzymes in metabolic anticancer therapy and bioanalytics. // Cell Biology International. – 2015 – Vol. 39, No.3 – P. 246–252. (IF=1.933)
  4. Tangsombatvichit P., Semkiv M.V., Sibirny A.A., Jensen L.T., Ratanakhanokchai K., Soontorngun N. Zinc Cluster Protein Znf1, a Novel Transcription Factor of Non-Fermentative Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // FEMS Yeast Res. – 2015. – Vol. 15, No. 2. – doi: 10.1093/femsyr/fou002. (IF=2.818)
  5. Юрків М.Т., Куриленко О.О., Василишин Р.В., Дмитрук К.В., Мартинюк Н.Б., Скороход В.В., Сибірний А.А. Pозробка технології отримання препаратів глутатіону на основі сконструйованих активних суперпродуцентів цього трипептиду у дріжджів. // Nauka innov. – 2015 – 11 (5): C. 67—75.
  6. Semkiv M., Kurylenko O., Ruchala J., Hryniv O., Kshanovska B., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Yeast Alcoholic Fermentation: Achievements and Challenges. // Modern Directions in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Biotechnology: Monograph. / Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. – Lviv, 2015. – P. 235-248.
  7. *Berezka K., Sibirny A. Mercury: From General Informations, Through Microbial Interactions to Bioremediation. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 11-20.
  8. *Dmytruk K., Kshanovska B., Sibirny A. New Methods for Selection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ethanol Overproducing Mutants Resistant to Oxythiamine, Trehalose, Bromopyruvate, Glyoxylic Acid and Glucosamine. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 237-246.
  9. *Fedorovych D., Boretsky Y., Prokopiv T., Grabek-Lejko D., Sybirny A. Cobalt as a Dangerous Environmental Pollutant. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 33-40.
  10. *Karkovska M., Smutok O., Dmytruk K., Gonchar M. Yeast Flavocytochrome b2 as a Perspective Tool in Bioreduction and Detection of Chromate. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 113-124.
  11. *Kluz M., Sibirny A.A. Сhromium − Toxicity and Bioremediation by Microorganisms. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 41-50.
  12. *Kurylenko O., Ruchala J., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. New Targets for Improvement of Xylose Alcoholic Fermentation in the Methylotrophic Yeast Hansenula polymorpha. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 247-258.
  13. *Luzhetskyi T., Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Improving Thermotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Industrial Yeast Strain via Derepression of Genes of Trehalose Synthesis. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 259-268.
  14. *Lyzak O., Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Targets of Transcription Factor Sef1 in the Flavinogenic Yeasts Candida famata. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 269-278.
  15. *Rachkevych N., Boyko S., Sybirna K., Boretsky Y., Sibirny A. The Development of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as a Host for Hydrogenase Overexpression. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 279-290.
  16. *Ruchala J., Kurylenko O., Sibirny A. Production of Glutathione by Yeasts and the Role of this Thiol in Methylotrophic Metabolism and Xenobiotic Detoxification. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 227-236.
  17. *Salii I., Kurylenko O., Hryniv O., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Microbial Conversion of Glycerol to Ethanol. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 291-300.
  18. *Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Futile Cycles Induction as a Tool for Improvement of Alcoholic Fermentation Parameters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 301-312.
  19. *Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Impact of Triose Phosphate Isomerase Activity Modulation on Glycerol Production by the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 313-322.
  20. *Semkiv M., Kurylenko O., Ruchala J., Hryniv O., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Yeast Metabolic Engineering for Construction of the Advanced Bioethanol Producers from Renewable Feedstocks. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 333-341.
  21. *Yatsyshyn V., Fedorovych D., Sibirny A. The Role of Flavin Nucleotides in Detoxification of Pollutants in the Natural Environment. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 187-194.
  22. *Yurkiv M., Kurylenko O., Vasylyshyn R., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Construction of the Efficient Glutathione Producers in the Yeast Hansenula polymorpha. // Living Organisms and Bioanalytical Approaches for Detoxification and Monitoring of Toxic Compounds: Monograph. / University of Rzeszow. – Rzeszow, 2015. – P. 323-332.
  23. *Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Insertional Mutagenesis of the Flavinogenic Yeast Candida famata (Candida flareri) / in Genetic transformation system in fungi, Vol. 1, Fungal biology. – 2015. – Part III. – P. 93-97.
  24. *Papon N., Boretsky Y.R., Courdavault V., Clastre M., Sibirny A.A. Genetic manipulation of Meyerozyma (Candida, Pichia) guilliermondii / in Genetic transformation system in fungi, Vol. 2, Fungal biology. – 2015. – Part VI. – P. 245-262.
  25. Semkiv M., Kurylenko O., Ruchala J., Hryniv O., Kshanovska B., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Yeast Alcoholic Fermentation: Achievements and Challenges. // Modern Directions in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Biotechnology: Monograph. / Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. – Lviv, 2015. – P. 235-248.



  1. Tsyrulnyk A.O., Dmytruk K.V., Fedorovych D.V., Sybirny A.A..Development of platform for constructing of aminoriboflavin overproducers based on flavinogenic yeast Candida famata // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016 – Issue 73. – P. 336-341.
  2. Bulbotka N., Levkiv K., Dmytruk O., Sibirny A. The degradative inactivation of the cytosolic enzyme fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase upon the glucose adaptation of the methanol-grown yeast Pichia pastoris // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016 – Issue 73. – P. 41-46.
  3. Ishchuk O., Vojvoda- Zeljko T., Schifferdecker A., Mebrahtu Wisén S., Hagström Å., Rozpędowska E, Rørdam Andersen M., Hellborg L., Ling Z., Sibirny A., Piškur J. Novel Centromeric Loci of the Wine and Beer Yeast Dekkera bruxellensis CEN1 and CEN2 // PLoS One. - 2016. –V. 25.:e0161741. doi: 10.1371 (IF=3.057)
  4. Jansuriyakul S., Somboon P., Rodboon N., Kurylenko O., Sibirny A., Soontorngun N. The zinc cluster transcriptional regulator Asg1 transcriptionally coordinates oleate utilization and lipid accumulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. -2016. -V. 100. –P. 4549-4560 (IF=3.376)
  5. Kata I., Semkiv M., Ruchala J., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Overexpression of the genes PDC1 and ADH1 activates glycerol conversion to ethanol in the thermotolerant yeast Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha // Yeast – 2016. - Vol. 33 (8). –P. 471-478 (IF=2.259)
  6. Full list of authors Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). // Autophagy. -2016. –V. 12. –P.1-222 (IF=9.108)
  7. Kurylenko O., Vasylyshyn R., Kata I., Ruchala J., Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Improvement of high-temperature xylose and glucose alcoholic fermentation in methylotrophic yeast Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha by overexpression of PDC1 and ADH1 genes // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Biology series. - 2016. –V.73. - P. 147-153.
  8. Lyzak O., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Generation of mutations in ADE2 gene using a crispr-cas9 system in the flavinogenic yeast Candida famata // Visnyk of Lviv University. Biology series -Vol. 73. –P. 154-159.
  9. Murashchenko L., Abbas C., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. // Overexpression of the truncated version of ILV2 enhances glycerol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Yeast. – 2016. -V. 33. –P. 463-469 (IF=2.259)
  10. Riley R., Haridas S., Wolfe K., Lopes M., Hittinger C., Göker M., Salamov A., Wisecaver J., Long T., Calvey C., Aerts A., Barry K., Choi C., Clum A., Coughlan A., Deshpande S., Douglass A., Hanson S., Klenk H., LaButti K., Lapidus A., Lindquist E., Lipzen A., Meier-Kolthoff J., Ohm R., Otillar R., Pangilinan J., Peng Y., Rokas A., Rosa C., Scheuner C., Sibirny A., Slot J., Stielow J., Sun H., Kurtzman C., Blackwell M., Grigoriev I., Jeffries T. Comparative genomics of biotechnologically important yeasts // Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. -2016. -V. 30 - doi: 10.1073/pnas.1603941113 (IF=9.432)
  11. Schifferdecker A., Siurkus J., Andersen M., Joerck-Ramberg D., Ling Z., Zhou N., Blevins J., SibirnyA., Piškur J., Ishchuk O. Erratum to: Alcohol dehydrogenase gene ADH3 activates glucose alcoholic fermentation in genetically engineered Dekkera bruxellensis yeast // Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. – 2016. –V. 100 (7), 3233. doi: 10.1007/s00253-016-7349-3., N8. -463-469 (IF=3.376)
  12. Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Abbas C., Sibirny A. Activation of futile cycles as an approach to increase ethanol yield during glucose fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Bioengineered. – 2016. –Vol. 7. – P. 106-111 (IF=1.870)
  13. Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Sibirny A. Regulated expression of TPI1 gene for improvement of glycerol formation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2016 – Issue 73. – P. 197-202.
  14. Sibirny A.A. Ukrainian science before, during and after the fall of the Soviet Union // FEMS Yeast Res. -2016. - V16. pii: fow074 (IF=2.479)
  15. Sibirny A.A. Yeast peroxisomes: structure, functions and biotechnological opportunities // FEMS Yeast Res. - 2016. V. 16. pii: fow038. doi: 10.1093 (IF=2.479)
  16. Stasyuk N., Gayda G., Fayura L., Boretskyy Y., Gonchar M., Sibirny A. Novel arginine deiminase-based method to assay L-arginine in beverages // Food Chem. – 2016. –V. 15. –P. 320-326 (IF=4.052)
  17. Tsyrulnyk A., Kordiaka R., Dmytruk K., Fedorovych D., Sybirny A. Optimization of the cultivation conditions and the basic molecular tools for roseoflavin producer Streptomyces davawensis. // Mikrobiologichny Zhurnal. -2016. –Vol. 78. –P. 2-10.




  1. Farré J.C., Carolino K., Stasyk O.V., Stasyk O.G., Hodzic Z., Agrawal G., Till A., Proietto M., Cregg J., Sibirny A.A., Subramani S. A New Yeast Peroxin, Pex36, a Functional Homolog of Mammalian PEX16, Functions in the ER-to-Peroxisome Traffic of Peroxisomal Membrane Proteins // Journal of Molecular Biology. – 2017. – V.429 (23). – P.3743-3762. (IF=4.632)
  2. Ruchala J., Kurylenko O.O., Soontorngun N., Dmytruk K.V., Sibirny A.A. Transcriptional activator Cat8 is involved in regulation of xylose alcoholic fermentation in the thermotolerant yeast Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha // Microbial Cell Factories – 2017 – V.16 (1). – P.36. (IF=3.681)
  3. Semkiv M., Dmytruk K., Abbas C., Sibirny A. Metabolic engineering for high glycerol production by the anaerobic cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. – 2017. – V.101 (11). – P. 4403-4416. (IF=3.420)
  4. Zhybak M., Fayura L., Boretsky Yu. , Gonchar M., Sibirny A., Dempsey E., Turner A., Korpan Y. Amperometric L-arginine- selective biosensor based on a novel recombinant arginine deiminase // Microchim Acta. - 2017.- V.184. - P.2679- 2686. (IF=4.580)
  5. Fedorovych D.V., Yurkiv M.T., Kolodii O.M., Kurylenko O.O, Grabek-Lejko D., Sibirny A.A. The role of glutathione in detoxification of chromate by Hansenula (Ogataea) polymorpha yeast. // In: - Factors in Experimental evolution of organisms Kiev, 2017, V.21. - P.82-86.


Chapters in Monographs:

  1. Biotechnology of Glycerol Production and Conversion in Yeasts / M. Semkiv, K. Dmytruk, C. Abbas, A. Sibirny // Biotechnology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi, A. A. Sibirny, Ed., ed: Springer International Publishing, 2017. – P. 117-148.
  2. Development of the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as efficient ethanol producer / K. Dmytruk, O. Kurylenko, J. Ruchala, O. Ishchuk, A. Sibirny // Yeast diversity in human welfare / ed. by T. Satyanarayana, G. Kunze. Springer, Singapore, 2017. – P. 257-282.
  3. Genetic improvement of conventional and nonconventional yeasts for the production of first- and second-generation ethanol / K. Dmytruk, O. Kurylenko, J. Ruchala, C. Abbas, A. Sibirny // Biotechnology of yeasts and filamentous fungi / ed. by A. Sibirny. Springer, 2017. – P. 1-38.
  4. Molecular studies of the flavinogenic fungus Ashbya gossypii and the flavinogenic yeast Candida famata / O.O. Lyzak, R. Ledesma-Amaro, K.V. Dmytruk, A.A. Sibirny, J.L. Revuelta // ibid, P.281-296.
  5. Yeast-based systems for environmental control. G. Gayda, M. Gonchar, A. Sibirny // ibid, P.373-390.
Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology


Research Grants



International Projects:


  1. INTAS project (Ref. No. 05-100000-7730) "Nonconventional yeasts: use of metabolic engineering approaches for construction of strains with improved alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with the Technical University of Aachen, Germany and the University of Lund,Sweden).

  2. CRDF grant UKB 1-2810-LV-06 “Coordinated regulation of riboflavin biosynthesis and iron transport in yeast Pichia quilliermondii” (in collaboration with National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U.S.A).

  3. STCU project №3892 “Metabolic engineering of alcoholic fermentation of plant residues in non-conventional yeasts” in collaboration with the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv).

  4. STCU project №4378 "Gene and protein engineering of oxidoreductases for construction of bionanosized objects of analytical importance” (in collaboration with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology, Institute of Cell Biology, NAS of Ukraine).

  5. Individual FEMS grant No. UA-SMU 2007-2 “Development of insertion mutagenesis for xylose fermenting yeast Pichia stipitisc for the identification of genes involved in the regulation of the ethanol synthesis“ (in collaboration with the University of Aachen, Germany).

  6. Individual INTAS grant Ref. No. 06-1000014-6267 "Isolation of mutant forms of alcohol oxidase (mAOX) with improved bioanalytical characteristics and subsequent application of mAOX as bioselective element of an amperometric biosensor and scanning electrochemical microscopy" (in collaboration with the University of Bochum, Germany).

  7. Individual FEMS grant No. UA-SMU 2008-2 "Study of a role of autophagic pathways in response to stress in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris and bakerʼs yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae" (in collaboration with the University of Rzeszow, Poland).

  8. Individual FEMS grant No. UA-SMU 2008-1 ”Proteomics of peroxisome for methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris under pexophagy conditions” (in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen, Denmark).

  9. Individual FEMS grant No. UA-SMU 2008-2 "Application of uricase-overproducing recombinant yeast Hansenula polymorpha as biologically recognition element in amperometric urate biosensors”( in collaboration with the University of Bochum, Germany).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Research project "Nanostructured systems for the design of anticancer drugs and ensuring their controlled pharmacokinetics (Comprehensive Program of Basic Research "Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies", Chapter 4. Bionanosystems, section 4.1. Bionanosystems and bionanomaterials for biology and medicine, artificial biomineralization nanomaterials).

  2. Research project 25-08 "Construction and studying of Shewanella oneidensis strains expressing labeled hydrogenase” (Targeted Integrated Program of Fundamental Research of NAS of Ukraine "Fundamental Problems of Hydrogen Energy).

  3. Research project "The portable analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for quality control of beverages in winemaking” (Comprehensive Scientific and Technical Program "Sensor systems for medical, environmental and industrial and technological needs“) (in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  4. Within the framework of Targeted Comprehensive Program of Scientific Research NAS of Ukraine "Biomass as a fuel" ("Biofuels") 5 research projects are performed:
    • Development of methods for genetic engineering of ethanol tolerant yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis to construct strains able to efficient alcoholic fermentation of sugars from plant biomass".
    • Metabolic engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway and transport of glucose and xylose for construction of termotolerant yeast strains able to efficient alcoholic fermentation of main sugars of plant residues.
    • Development of new methods for positive selection of ethanol overproducers from glucose, xylose and other sugars of lignocellulose
    • Construction of yeast strains accumulating acetaldehyde as a product of the conversion of sugars of plant biomass (lignocellulose).
    • Screening and selection of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces with increased ethanol-producing activity (in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  5. Within the framework of research project "Development of advanced biomedical and bioengineering technologies for human health" (Program: "New medico-biological problems and human environment") three projects are performed:
    • Study of the regulation of glutathione biosynthesis in yeast for construction of overproducer of this tripeptide.
    • Genetic engineering construction of robust and stable vitamin B2 producers based on yeast Candida famata.
    • Construction of stable over producer of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) based on yeast Candida famata.



International Projects:


  1. Project N 304 326136 „Mutants of nonconventional yeasts for efficient chromate bioremediation, recovery and industrial waste-water purification” (in collaboration with the Agrarian University named Kollontay, Krakow, Poland).

  2. Project STCU №3892 “Metabolic engineering of alcoholic fermentation of plant residues in non-conventional yeasts "(in collaboration with the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv).

  3. Project STCU-4378 "Gene and protein engineering of oxidoreductases for construction of bionanosized objects of analytical importance” (in collaboration with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology, Institute of Cell Biology, NAS of Ukraine).

  4. Individual FEMS grant (UA-SMU2009-1) “Cloning and overexpression of arginine and citrulline degrading enzymes in Esherichia coli and Hansenula polymorpha” (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  5. NATO REINTEGRATION GRANT No. PDD(CP)-(CBP.NUKR.RIG 982541 “Construction and bioanalytical application of genetically engineered alcohol oxidases with improved bioselective characteristics” for Return Fellow.

  6. NATO REINTEGRATION GRANT No. PDD(CP)-(CBP.NUKR.RIG 982541 “Construction and bioanalytical application of genetically engineered alcohol oxidases with improved bioselective characteristics” for the Host Institution Director.


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of Targeted Comprehensive Program of Scientific Research NAS of Ukraine "Biomass as a fuel" ("Biofuels") 5 research projects are performed:
    • Development of methods for genetic engineering of ethanol tolerant yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis to construct strains able to efficient alcoholic fermentation of sugars from plant biomass.
    • Metabolic engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway and transport of glucose and xylose for construction of termotolerant yeast strains able to efficient alcoholic fermentation of main sugars of plant residues.
    • Development of new methods for positive selection of ethanol overproducers from glucose, xylose and other sugars of lignocellulose.
    • Construction of yeast strains that accumulate acetaldehyde as a product of the conversion of sugars of plant biomass (lignocellulose).
    • Screening and selection of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces with increased ethanol-producing activity (in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  2. Within the framework of research project "Development of advanced biomedical and bioengineering technologies for human health" (Program: "New medico-biological problems and human environment") three projects are performed:
    • Study of the regulation of glutathione biosynthesis in yeast for construction of overproducer of this tripeptide.
    • Genetic engineering construction of robust and stable vitamin B2 producers based on yeast Candida famata.
    • Construction of stable over producer of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) based on yeast Candida famata.



International Projects:


  1. CRDF STEP BPG GRANT UKB1-9047-LV-10 “Biotechnological production of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) based on Yeasts”.

  2. Project N 304 326136 "Mutants of nonconventional yeasts for efficient chromate bioremediation, recovery and industrial waste-water purification” (in collaboration with the Agrarian University named Kollontay, Krakow, Poland).

  3. Project “Portable analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for quality control of beverages in the wine industry” according complex scientific and technical program of NAS of Ukraine "Sensor systems for medical, environmental and industrial and technological needs" (in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology.

  4. Individual grant FEMS Research Fellowship 2010-1 “Optimization of medium composition and other parameters favoring for maximal accumulation of flavin by recombinant Candida famata strains”.


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biomass as a fuel" ("Biofuels") 5 research projects are performed:
    • Construction of yeast Hansenula polymorpha strains with modified hexose transporters capable to improved transport and alcoholic fermentation of xylose.
    • Construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains able to production of isobutanol as the main product of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a low content of ATP due to induction of futile cycles to improve the parameters of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of thermotolerant Hansenula polymorpha yeast strains with increased expression of peroxisomal enzymes able to efficient conversion of xylose to ethanol.
    • Thermotolerant Saccharomyces yeast strains as producers of ethanol at elevated temperatures for the alcohol industry (together with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  2. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Fundamental bases of molecular and cell biotechnologies" 2 research projects are performed:
    • Molecular mechanisms of regulation of expression of genes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis and transport by flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Study of selective autophagy degradation of organelles and cytosolic proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  3. Research project "The portable analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for quality control of beverages in winemaking” (Comprehensive Scientific and Technical Program "Sensor systems for medical, environmental and industrial and technological needs“) (in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).



International Projects:


  1. CRDF UKB-9047-LV-10 “Biotechnological production of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) based on yeasts”.

  2. Project N 304 326136 „Mutants of nonconventional yeasts for efficient chromate bioremediation, recovery and industrial waste-water purification” (in collaboration with the Agrarian University named Kollontay, Krakow,Poland).

  3. Individual grant FEMS Research Fellowship 2011-2 “Overexpression of peroxisomal enzymes as a tool for improvement of xylose alcoholic fermentation in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha” (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  4. Project VISBY: "Non-conventional yeasts for ethanol, chemical and food production: Next generation techniques for manipulation and analysis” (in collaboration with Lund and Uppsala University, Sweden).

  5. Ukrainian-Russian project number F40.4/006 "Molecular and genetic study of adaptation in Saccharomyces yeasts to elevated temperatures" in cooperation with the State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of industrial microorganisms.


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biomass as a fuel" ("Biofuels") 5 research projects are performed:
    • Construction of yeast Hansenula polymorpha strains with modified hexose transporters capable to improved transport and alcoholic fermentation of xylose.
    • Construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains able to production of isobutanol as the main product of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a low content of ATP due to induction of futile cycles to improve the parameters of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of thermotolerant Hansenula polymorpha yeast strains with increased expression of peroxisomal enzymes able to efficient conversion of xylose to ethanol.
    • Thermotolerant Saccharomyces yeast strains as producers of ethanol at elevated temperatures for the alcohol industry (together with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  2. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Fundamental bases of molecular and cell biotechnologies" 2 research projects are performed:
    • Molecular mechanisms of regulation of expression of genes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis and transport by flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Study of selective autophagy degradation of organelles and cytosolic proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  3. Scientific and the technical project of the NAS of Ukraine "Testing and implementation technology of flavin mononukleotyde using yeast Candida famata".

  4. Scientific Project “Molecular mechanisms of sensing and signaling in yeast autophagic pathways" (State key Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology).



International Projects:


  1. CRDF UKB-9047-LV-10 “Biotechnological production of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) based on yeasts”.

  2. Project NASU and STCU №5505 "Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha for increasing ethanol productivity during high-temperature xylose fermentation".

  3. Project NASU and STCU №5729 “Metabolic engineering of the yeast Candida famata for construction of robust riboflavin producers”.

  4. Project N 304 326136 „Mutants of nonconventional yeasts for efficient chromate bioremediation, recovery and industrial waste-water purification” (in collaboration with the Agrarian University named Kollontay, Krakow (Poland).

  5. Individual grant FEMS Research Fellowship FRF 2011-2 “Overexpression of peroxisomal enzymes as a tool for improvement of xylose alcoholic fermentation in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha” (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  6. Project VISBY: „Non-conventional yeasts for ethanol, chemical and food production: Next generation techniques for manipulation and analysis” (in collaboration with Lund and Uppsala Universities, Sweden).

  7. Ukrainian-Russian project N F40.4/006 "Molecular and genetic study of adaptation in Saccharomyces yeasts to elevated temperatures" (in collaboration with the State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Fundamental bases of molecular and cell biotechnologies" 2 research projects are performed:
    • Molecular mechanisms of regulation of expression of genes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis and transport by flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Study of selective autophagy degradation of organelles and cytosolic proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  2. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biomass as a fuel" ("Biofuels") 5 research projects are performed:
    • Construction of yeast Hansenula polymorpha strains with modified hexose transporters capable to improved transport and alcoholic fermentation of xylose.
    • Construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains able to production of isobutanol as the main product of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a low content of ATP due to induction of futile cycles to improve the parameters of alcoholic fermentation.
    • Construction of thermotolerant Hansenula polymorpha yeast strains with increased expression of peroxisomal enzymes able to efficient conversion of xylose to ethanol.
    • Thermotolerant Saccharomyces yeast strains as producers of ethanol at elevated temperatures for the alcohol industry (together with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).

  3. Scientific Project “Molecular mechanisms of sensing and signaling in yeast autophagic pathways" (State key Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology).



International Projects:


  1. Project NASU and STCU №5505 "Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha for increasing ethanol productivity during high-temperature xylose fermentation".

  2. Project NASU and STCU №5729 “Metabolic engineering of the yeast Candida famata for construction of robust riboflavin producers”.

  3. Project VISBY: "Non-conventional yeasts for ethanol, chemical and food production: Next generation techniques for manipulation and analysis” (in collaboration with Lund and Uppsala Universities, Sweden).

  4. Project “Scientific integration of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland area in the field of monitoring and detoxification of harmful substances in environment” IPBU.03.01.00-18-452/11-00 in the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Fundamental bases of molecular and cell biotechnologies" 2 research projects are performed:
    • Molecular mechanisms of regulation of expression of genes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis and transport by flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Study of selective autophagy degradation of organelles and cytosolic proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  2. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biological resources and new technologies of bioconversion 3 research projects are performed:
    • Metabolic engineering of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae - ethanol producers to increase their thermotolerance.
    • Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha to improve alcoholic fermentation of alternative carbon sources (glycerol and xylose).
    • Selection and construction of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces - producers of bioethanol using mutagenesis.



International Projects:


  1. Individual grant FEMS Research Fellowship "Analysis and identification of efficient promoters in Shewanella oneidensis" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  2. Project NASU and STCU №5729 "Metabolic engineering of the yeast Candida famata for construction of robust riboflavin producers".

  3. Project VISBY: "Non-conventional yeasts for ethanol, chemical and food production: Next generation techniques for manipulation and analysis" (in collaboration with Lund and Uppsala Universities, Sweden).

  4. Project "Scientific integration of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland area in the field of monitoring and detoxification of harmful substances in environment" IPBU.03.01.00-18-452/11-00 in the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Fundamental bases of molecular and cell biotechnologies" 2 research projects are performed:
    • Molecular mechanisms of regulation of expression of genes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis and transport by flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Study of selective autophagy degradation of organelles and cytosolic proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  2. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biological resources and new technologies of bioconversion" 3 research projects are performed:
    • Metabolic engineering of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – ethanol producers to increase their thermotolerance.
    • Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha to improve alcoholic fermentation of alternative carbon sources (glycerol and xylose).
    • Selection and construction of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces – producers of bioethanol using mutagenesis.



International Projects:


  1. Individual grant FEMS Research Fellowship "Identification of new factors involved in regulation of ethanol production in the Pichia stipitis" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  2. Project VISBY: "Non-conventional yeasts for ethanol, chemical and food production: Next generation techniques for manipulation and analysis" (in collaboration with Lund and Uppsala Universities, Sweden).

  3. Project "Scientific integration of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland area in the field of monitoring and detoxification of harmful substances in environment" IPBU.03.01.00-18-452/11-00 in the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biological resources and new technologies of bioconversion" 3 research projects are performed:
    • Metabolic engineering of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – ethanol producers to increase their thermotolerance.
    • Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha to improve alcoholic fermentation of alternative carbon sources (glycerol and xylose).
    • Selection and construction of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces – producers of bioethanol using mutagenesis.

  2. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture" 3 research projects are performed:
    • The genetic control of biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin in flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Application of metabolic engineering for construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of overproduction of glycerol under anaerobic conditions.
    • Mechanisms of degradation of peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins in methylotrophic yeasts and construction of overproducers of industrially valuable proteins on the basis of mutant strains with damage to these mechanisms.



International Projects:


  1. Project NASU and STCU "In silico modeling as a core of rational metabolic engineering of yeast Hansenula polymorpha for improvement of the high-temperature xylose alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Uppsala University, Sweden).

  2. MAESTRO 6 "Peroxisomes and their role in yeast xylose metabolism and alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).


Program-targeted and competitive subjects of NAS of Ukraine:


  1. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biological resources and new technologies of bioconversion" 3 research projects are performed:
    • Metabolic engineering of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – ethanol producers to increase their thermotolerance.
    • Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha to improve alcoholic fermentation of alternative carbon sources (glycerol and xylose).
    • Selection and construction of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces – producers of bioethanol using mutagenesis.

  2. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture" 3 research projects are performed:
    • The genetic control of biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin in flavinogenic yeasts.
    • Application of metabolic engineering for construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of overproduction of glycerol under anaerobic conditions.
    • Mechanisms of degradation of peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins in methylotrophic yeasts and construction of overproducers of industrially valuable proteins on the basis of mutant strains with damage to these mechanisms.


International Projects:


  1. Project NASU and STCU «In silico modeling as a core of rational metabolic engineering of yeast Hansenula polymorpha for improvement of the high-temperature xylose alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Uppsala University, Sweden).

  2. Grant OPUS 11 "The role of transcription factors in regulation of glucose and xylose metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in the non-conventional yeasts Ogataea polymorpha" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).


National scientific grants:


  1. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture" 4 research projects were carried out:
    • "Mechanisms of degradation of peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins in methylotrophic yeasts and construction of overproducers of industrially valuable proteins on the basis of mutant strains with damage to these mechanisms".
    • "The genetic control of biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin in flavinogenic yeasts".
    • "Application of metabolic engineering for construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of overproduction of glycerol under anaerobic conditions".
    • "Creation of drought-resistant plant lines by overexpression of yeast genes of trehalose biosynthesis" in collaboration with the State establishment "Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine".

  2. According to the results of general academic competition of scientific and technical projects and the order of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine from 29.03.2017 №229 science and technical project was carried out: "Development of laboratory and semi-industrial regulations for obtaining baker's yeast capable of oversynthesis of trehalose and glycerol and therefore resistant to drying, freezing and osmotic shock".

  3. Within the framework of a targeted complex program of scientific research NAS of Ukraine "Biological resources and new technologies of bioconversion" 3 research projects were carried out:
    • "Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha to improve alcoholic fermentation of alternative carbon sources (glycerol and xylose)".
    • "Metabolic engineering of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – ethanol producers to increase their thermotolerance".
    • "Selection and construction of thermotolerant strains of Saccharomyces – producers of bioethanol using mutagenesis" in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology.

  4. Within the framework of a complex scientific and technical program NAS of Ukraine "Sensorsʼ devices for medical-ecological and industrial-technological requirements: meteorological support and research exploitation" in cooperation with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology research project: "The development and trial exploitation of a portative analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for quality control of beverages in winery. Development of biosensor methods of arginine analysis in wine by using arginine-hydrolyzi.



International Projects:


  1. Project NASU and STCU "In silico modeling as a core of rational metabolic engineering of yeast Hansenula polymorpha for improvement of the high-temperature xylose alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Uppsala University, Sweden).

  2. Grant OPUS 11 "The role of transcription factors in regulation of glucose and xylose metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in the non-conventional yeasts Ogataea polymorpha" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  3. Competition of joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian research projects “Improving the efficiency of transport of xylose thermotolerant yeast Ogataea polymorpha to improve the parameters of alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Vytautas the Great University, Lithuania).


National scientific grants:


  1. Scientific and technical project "Development of technology for the production of ethyl alcohol based on engineered strains of alcoholic yeast capable of overproduction of ethanol" (in cooperation with the Hungarian distillery).

  2. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture" 4 research projects were carried out:
    • "Mechanisms of degradation of peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins in methylotrophic yeasts and construction of overproducers of industrially valuable proteins on the basis of mutant strains with damage to these mechanisms".
    • "The genetic control of biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin in flavinogenic yeasts".
    • "Application of metabolic engineering for construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of overproduction of glycerol under anaerobic conditions".
    • "Creation of drought-resistant plant lines by overexpression of yeast genes of trehalose biosynthesis" in collaboration with the State establishment "Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine".

  3. Within the framework of a targeted comprehensive research program of of the NAS of Ukraine "Biofuel resources and bioenergy" research project "Construction of thermotolerant yeast strains with improved parameters of substrate bioconversion (xylose, glucose, glycerin) to ethanol was carried out.



International Projects:


  1. Competition of joint Ukrainian-Austrian scientific projects "Recombinant strains of Komagataella phaffii yeast producing flavin antibiotics aminoriboflavin and roseoflavin".

  2. Grant OPUS 11 "The role of transcription factors in regulation of glucose and xylose metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in the non-conventional yeasts Ogataea polymorpha" (in collaboration with Rzeszow University, Poland).

  3. Competition of joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian research projects "Improving the efficiency of transport of xylose thermotolerant yeast Ogataea polymorpha to improve the parameters of alcoholic fermentation" (in collaboration with Vytautas the Great University, Lithuania).


National scientific grants:


  1. Within the framework of Scientific Program "Molecular and cellular biotechnology for medicine, industry and agriculture" 4 research projects were carried out:
    • "Mechanisms of degradation of peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins in methylotrophic yeasts and construction of overproducers of industrially valuable proteins on the basis of mutant strains with damage to these mechanisms".
    • "The genetic control of biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin in flavinogenic yeasts".
    • "Application of metabolic engineering for construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of overproduction of glycerol under anaerobic conditions".
    • "Creation of drought-resistant plant lines by overexpression of yeast genes of trehalose biosynthesis" in collaboration with the State establishment "Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine".

  2. Project of research works of young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2019-2020 "Study of the role of peroxisomes in metabolism and alcoholic fermentation of xylose and glycerin in the yeast Ogataea polymorpha"



International Projects:


  1. Joint Ukrainian-Polish project "Identification of genes involved in the autophagic degradation of soluble proteins in yeast and human cells" (in collaboration with the University of Rzeszow).

  2. Competition of joint Ukrainian-Austrian research projects "Recombinant strains of yeast Komagataella phaffii, producing flavin antibiotics aminoriboflavin and roseoflavin"

  3. Grant "Opus" on "Transcription activators and repressors in the regulation of riboflavin synthesis by iron in the flavinogenic yeasts Candida famata" (in collaboration with the University of Rzeszow, Poland).


National scientific grants:


  1. NDFU "Science for Human and Society Safety" competition "Development of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 based on the expression of S protein fragments in yeast and the study of the immune response in laboratory animals".

  2. NDFU competition "Science for the safety of man and society" "Creation of yeast producers of new flavin antibiotics".

  3. Research work of young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Study of the role of peroxisomes in the metabolism and alcoholic fermentation of xylose and glycerin in the yeast Ogataea polymorpha".

  4. Support of priority for the state scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of the Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology of the NAS of Ukraine "Mechanisms of regulation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast".

  5. Target research program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Genomic, molecular and cellular basis for the development of innovative biotechnologies" "Construction of ethanol producers from glycerol based on methylotrophic yeast Komagataella phaffii and Ogataea polymorpha".

  6. Target research program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Biofuel resources and bioenergy" "Development of new approaches to the construction of yeast strains Ogataea polymorpha with improved alcoholic fermentation of pentose sugars".

  7. Target research program of the NAS of Ukraine "Smart" new generation sensor devices based on modern materials and technologies" "Development and optimization of enzyme electrochemical biosensors based on new functional nanomaterials for determination of arginine and their application for quality control of fruit and berry juices and products hygiene" (together with the Department of Analytical Biotechnology).
Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology




  • Andriy Sibirny – Head, Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Ph.D. Professor, Member of NAS of Ukraine;
  • Fedorovych D.V. – leading scientist, Ph.D., Professor;
  • Fedorenko V.O. – senior scientist, Ph.D., Professor;
  • Dmytruk O.V. – leading scientist, Ph.D.;
  • Semkiv M.V. – scientist, Ph.D.;
  • Vasylyshyn R. – junior scientist, Ph.D.;
  • Tsaruk A.Y. – engineer;
  • Zazula A.Z. – engineer;
  • Andreeva J. – postgraduate student.
Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology


Laboratory of Metabolic Engineering



Head: Kostyantyn Dmytruk

Phone: +38 032 261 21 42 / +38 050 66 16 886

E-mail: dmytruk77(at)

Position: Head of Lab

Degrees: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Scientist, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine


A Structural Laboratory of Metabolic Engineering has been established based on the same named non-structural laboratory within the Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of cell Biology NAS of Ukraine dated January 20, 2022, Protocol No. 1, and put into effect by Order No. 02/OD dated January 21, 2022.


Scientific interests:

  • Yeast for the biosynthesis of biologically active compounds;
  • Construction of yeast strains displaying target proteins on the cell wall surface.



List of Publications



  • STCU Project 5505 (The Science & Technology Center in Ukraine), 01.12.2011 – 01.05.2013. Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha for increasing ethanol productivity during high-temperature xylose fermentation.
  • STCU Project 5729 (The Science & Technology Center in Ukraine), 01.12.2012 – 01.05.2014. Metabolic engineering of the yeast Candida famata for construction of robust riboflavin producers.
  • IPBU.03.01.00-18-452/11, 2013-2015. Scientific integration of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland area in the field of monitoring and detoxification of harmful substances in environment.
  • STCU Project 6188 (The Science & Technology Center in Ukraine), 01.08.2016 – 31.07.2018. In silico metabolic modelling of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha for the improvement of xylose fermentation.
  • NRFU 2020.01/0080, 2020-2021. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development based on the yeast expression of S protein fragments and studying immune response in the laboratory animals.
  • NRFU 2020.01/0090, 2020-2021. Development of yeast producers of new flavine antibiotics.



  • Dmytruk K.V. – leading scientist, Ph.D.;
  • Fayura L.R. – scientist, PhD;
  • Dzanayeva L.S. – scientist, PhD;
  • Tsyrulnyk A.O. – leading engineer;
  • Tkachenko V.I. – engineer.
Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Analytical Biotechnology


Head of the Department – Mykhailo Gonchar, PhD, DrSc, Prof.


The history of the Department began in 1969, when at the Lviv branch of O.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NAS of Ukraine was established the department of regulation of cellular synthesis of low molecular weight compounds headed by honored scientist of Ukraine, DrSc, and Prof. G.M. Shavlovsky. In this department (from 2002 - in the department of molecular genetics and biotechnology) researches on flavin biosynthesis, particular enzymology, genetic metabolic control and regulation of synthesis and biotechnology of some compounds in yeast, where conducted this study began in the 50th of the last century and held until Prof. Shavlovsky death (1996).


3 Habilitation theses (DrSc degree) and about 20 candidate thesis (PhD) have been fulfilled in the Department. Over 500 scientific papers devoted to various aspects of the biosynthesis and transport of riboflavin (RF), in national and international journals were published and copyright certificates of the former USSR, patents of Ukraine, the European Union and the United States were received.


Prof. Shavlovsky first established riboflavin biosynthesis pathway and characterized key enzymes of this pathway, detected the role of iron in flavinogenesis regulation and the influence of various factors on the biosynthesis of RF, including some genes (G.M. Shavlovsky, A.A. Sibirny, O.M. Logvinenko, D.V. Fedorovych., V.E. Kashchenko, L.V. Koltun, G.P. Ksheminska, L.P. Struhovschykova, J.R. Boretskyi, V.M. Trach, M.N. Stenchuk, A.E. Zakalsky, L.Y. Babyak, O.V. Protchenko etc.).


From 1996 Department was headed by PhD D.V. Fedorovych. Since 2001, the head of the Department is Prof. M.V. Gonchar. The new name (Analytical Biotechnology) department received in 2007.


The 8 PhD theses were defensed protected by the employees of department of analytical biotechnology (G.M. Pavlishko (Klepach), O.V. Smutok, V.I. Kutsyaba, O.M. Demkiv, G.I. Nechay, N.YE. Stasyuk, T.M. Prokopiv).


The scientific interest of the Department involved homeostasis of some transient biometals and metalloids (chromium, selenium) in yeasts, study of the mechanisms of chromate reductive detoxification and formation of elemental Se by yeast cells.


During last years, the main research scope of the Department is microbial enzymology and bioanalytics: selection and genetic construction of the microbial strains overproducing enzymes of analytical interest, purification and characterization of the novel and recombinant proteins, development of enzymatic and biosensors' approaches for assay of practically important analytes.

Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Analytical Biotechnology


The main research topics:


  • The homeostasis of some transient biometals and metalloids (chromium, selenium) in yeasts, study of the mechanisms of chromate reductive detoxification and formation of elemental Se by yeast cells.

  • The research scope are microbial enzymology and bioanalytics.

  • The selection and genetic construction of the microbial strains over-producing enzymes with analytical interest.

  • The purification and characterization of the novel and recombinant proteins.

  • The development of enzymatic and biosensorsʼ approaches for assay of practically important analytes.

  • Nanobiotechnology approaches in analytical biotechnology.
