Articles for 2015 Year » page 8 » Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine



  1. Demkiv O., Smutok O., Gonchar M., Nisnevitch M. Reagentless amperometric formaldehyde-selective chemosensor based on using platinized gold electrode // Materials. – 2017. - V.10, N.5 - E503 (1-11) doi:10.3390/ma10050503 (IF=2.654)
  2. Gayda G., Gonchar M., Sibirny A. Yeast-based systems for environmental control // In the Book "Biotechnology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi" (Ed. A.A. Sibirny). – Springer, 2017. – P. 373-386
  3. Gayda G.Z., Stasyuk N.Ye, Serkiz R.Ja, Gonchar M.V. Fluorescent nanoparticles of noble metals for cell imaging // В книзі: “Багатофункціональні наноматеріали для біології і медицини: молекулярний дизайн, синтез і застосування” (ред. Р.С. Стойка) – 2017. – C. 156-165
  4. Gonchar M., Smutok O., Karkovska M., Stasyuk N. Yeast-based biosensors for clinical diagnostics and food control // In the Book "Biotechnology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi" (Ed. A.A. Sibirny). - Springer, 2017. – P. 392-400
  5. Kavetskyy T., Smutok O., Gonchar M., Demkiv O., Klepach H., Kukhazh Y., Šauša O., Petkova T., Boev V., Ilcheva V., Petkov P., Stepanov A.L. Laccase-containing ureasil-polymer composite as the sensing layer of an amperometric biosensor // Journal of Applied Polymer Science. – 2017. – V.134 (36). – P. 45278-45285 (IF=1.866)
  6. Kavetskyy T., Šauša O., Čechová K., Švajdlenková H., Mat’ko I., Petkova T., Boev V., Ilcheva V., Smutok O., Kukhazh Y. and Gonchar M. Network Properties of Ureasil-Based Polymer Matrixes for Construction of Amperometric Biosensors as Probed by PALS and Swelling Experiments // Acta Physica Polonica A. - 2017. - V. 132, N 5. - P. 1515-1519 (IF=0.469)
  7. Kovalyshyn Y., Konovska M., Milanese C., Saldan I., Serkiz R., Pereviznyk O., Reshetnyak O., Kuntyi O. Electrochemical properties of the composites synthesized from polyaniline and modified MWCNT // Chem. Chem. Technol., – 2017, – V. 11, N. 3, – P. 261-269 (in Scopus)
  8. Smutok O., Karkovska M., Serkiz Ya., Vus B., Čenas N., Gonchar M. A Novel Mediatorless Biosensor Based On Flavocytochrome b2 Immobilized Onto Gold Nanoclusters For Non-invasive L-lactate Analysis Of Human Liquids // Sensor & Actuators B. – 2017. - V. 250. - P. 469-475, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2017.04.192 (IF=5.401)
  9. Stasyuk N., Gayda G., Serkiz R., Gonchar M. The “green” synthesis of gold nanoparticles by the yeast Hansenula рolymorpha // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія біологічна. - 2016. – Вип. 73. - С. 96-102
  10. Stasyuk N., Gayda G., Yepremyan H., Gonchar M. Fluorometric enzymatic assay of L-arginine // Spectrochimica Acta. Part A. – 2017. – V. 170. – P. 184-190 (IF=2.653)
  11. Stasyuk, N., Gayda, G., Klepach, H., Semashko, T., Gonchar, M., 2017. Nanoparticles of noble metals for enzymatic sensors: an amperometric glucose biosensor for wine analysis // Sensor Letters. – 2017 – V.15, N8. – P. 647-654 (IF=0.558)
  12. Stepien A.E.,  Zebrowski J., Piszczyk Ł., Boyko V.V.,   Riabov S.V., Dmitrieva T.,  Bortnitskiy V.I.,  Gonchar M., Wojnarowska-Nowak R., Ryszkowska J. Assessment of the impact of bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes) // Polymer Testing. – 2017. – V.63. – P.484-493. (IF=2.464)
  13. Toporovska L.R., Hryzak A.M., Turko B.I., Rudyk V.P., Tsybulskyi V.S., Serkiz R.Y.. Photocatalytic properties of zinc oxide nanorods grown by different methods // Optical and Quantum Electronics, – 2017, – Vol.49, – N. 12, – P.408-417 (IF=1.055)
  14. M.T. Zhybak, L.Y. Fayura, Y.R. Boretsky, M.V. Gonchar, A.A. Sibirny, E. Dempsey, A.P. F. Turner, Y.I. Korpan. amperometric l-arginine biosensor based on a novel recombinant arginine deiminase // Microchimica Acta. – 2017. – DOI 10.1007/s00604-017-2290-4 (IF=4.580)
  15. Karkovska MI, Stasyuk N.E., Gayda G.Z., Smutok O.V., Gonchar M.V. Nanomaterials in the сonstruction of biosensors for biomedical applications // In the Book “Multifunctional nanomaterials for biology and medicine: molecular design, synthesis and application” (Ed. R.S. Stoika) - 2017. – P. 165-177
  16. Stasyuk N., Gayda G., Zakalskiy A., Zakalska O., Fayura L., Vovk O., Stasyk O., Sibirny A., and Gonchar M. Recombinant forms of arginase and argininedeiminaseas catalytic components of argitest enzymatic kit for l-arginine analysis // Nauka innov. – 2017. - 13(4).- P. 64-72
  17. Tsiko U., Yatsyshyn M., Kulik Y., Serkiz R., Pandyak N. Solid-phase synthesis of polyaniline and kaolin/polyaniline composite // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Chemistry.- 2017. - Issue 58. - P. 393-405
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Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Analytical Biotechnology


Research Grants


Current International Grants:


  1. 2008-2009 STCU-4378 "Gene and Protein Engineering of Oxidoreductases for Construction of Bionanosized Objects of Analytical Importance".

  2. 2008 NATO Linkag Grant PDD (CP)-(CPP.NUKR.CLG 982955) "Novel Electrochemical and Optical Nanostructured Sensors for Detection of Disease-Related Ions".

  3. NATO Linkage Grant LST.NUKR.CLG 980621 "Novel Biological and Chemical Sensors for Formaldehyde Monitoring in Wasteswaters, Foodstuffs and Pharmaceuticals".

  4. 2008-2010 NATO Linkage Grant PDD (CP)-(CPP.NUKR.CLG 982955) "Bio/Chemical Sensors for Detection of Toxins in Fish Meat”, STCU-project 4378 „Gene and Protein Engineering of Oxidoreductases for Construction of Bionanosized Objects of Analytical Importance".

  5. 2008-2010 Ukrainian-Russian F28/454 "Structural and functional characterization of alcohol oxidase from thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha".

  6. 2010 Ukrainian-izrailan M157 "Control of formaldehyde content in air by biosensor based on formaldehyde dehydrogenase and its removing by bioreactor with immobilized alcohol oxidase".

  7. 2010-2011 CRDF UKB2-9044-LV-10 "Production of trial series and preparation of technical documentation for bioanalytical kit for enzymatic analysis of l-lactate in clinical diagnostics and beverage industries".

  8. 2010-2011 CRDF UKB1-9048-KV-10 "Development of technology for production of recombinant human arginase as anticancer enzyme and element of biosensor for arginine".

  9. 2010-2011 Polish-Ukrainian N 304 326136 "Mutants of nonconventional yeasts for efficient chromate bioremediation, recovery and industrial waste-water purification".

  10. 2012-2015 NATO scientific project in the frame of the Program "Science for Peace and Security" SPS(NUKR)SFPP 984173 "Novel electrochemical Nano-Sensors for toxic ions Detection" (2012-2013).

  11. 2013-2015 Polish-Ukrainian "Scientific integration of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland area in the field of monitoring and detoxification of harmful substances in environment".


National scientific projects:


  1. 2010-2012 CRDF.

  2. Project 1. UKB2-9044-LV-10 "Production of trial series and preparation of technical documentation for bioanalytical kit for enzymatic analysis of l-lactate in clinical diagnostics and beverage industries".

    Project 2. CRDF UKB1-9048-KV-10 "Development of technology for production of recombinant human arginase as anticancer enzyme and element of biosensor for arginine".

  3. 2009-2012 Ukrainian-Russian F28/454 "Structural and functional characterization of alcohol oxidase from thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha".

  4. 2003-2006 Program "Physiological, biochemical and molecular genetic bases of living systemsʼ functioning and development of principles for their management".

  5. Theme: "Biotechnological production and functional characteristics of the proteins, important for diagnostics and treatment".

    Task: "Development of the effective systems for purification of oxido-reductases from microbial cells".

  6. 2003-2006 Program "Investigations in the field of sensorsʼ systems and technologies".

  7. Project 1. "Construction of the enzymesʼ elements of sensors on the base of oxido-reductases to control the content of lactate and ethanol in biological fluids and fermentation broths".

    Project 2. "Development of the new biosensorsʼ and enzymatic systems for analysis of glycerol in alcoholic beverages and triglycerides in biological fluids".

    Project 3. "Construction of amine oxidase over-producing yeast strains and development of biosensor for assay of natural amines in food and in human biological fluids".

  8. 2007-2012 Program "Sensorsʼ systems for medical-ecological and industrial-technological requirements".

  9. Project 1. "Development and production of the experimental samples of electrochemical biosensors for assay of formaldehyde in foods".

    Project 2. "Portative analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for the quality control of the beverages in wine-making".

  10. 2010-2012 Program "Biomass as a fuel source (biofuel)".

  11. Project 1. "Screening and selection of the thermotolerant Saccharomycetes strains with enhanced ethanol-producing activity".

  12. 2013-2014 Program "Sensorsʼ devices for medical-ecological and industrial-technological requirements: meteorological support and research exploitation".

  13. Project 1. "The development of bio / chemosensor analyzers for determination of formaldehyde, L- and D-lactate, their metrological evaluation and experemental testing. The construction of amperometric analyzer for assay of formaldehyde,L- and D-lactate based on the device "FORMATEST-2010".

    Project 2. "The development and trial exploitation of a portative analyzer based on amperometric enzyme biosensors for quality control of beverages in winery. Development of biosensor methods of arginine analysis in wine by using arginine-hydrolyzing recombinant enzymes".

  14. 2013-2014 Program "Biological resources novel technologies of bioenergy conversion".

  15. Project 1. "Screening and selection of the thermotolerant Saccharomycetes strains – overproducers of bioethanol using mutagenesis".

Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Analytical Biotechnology



Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis


Head of Department – Rostyslav Stoika, Ph.D., Dr. Sci., Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


The Department was established in 1993, and since that time it is headed by Rostyslav Stoika, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006). He was elected as a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts (2002), Soros Professor (1997), and awarded by National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with A.V. Palladin prize in Biochemistry (1986) and R.E. Kavetsky prize in Experimental Oncology (2007). State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine in 2020 (R. Stoika and R. Panchuk). Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2020). S.Z. Gzycky Prize in Biochemistry (2020).


R.S. Stoika is author and co-author of 375 articles in scientific journals, including 253 articles in journals of Scopus database. His Hirsch Index is 21 (Scopus), the total impact factor is 277 (Scopus), the total number of citations is over 1800 (Scopus). He is the co-author of 4 monographs, co-author of Chapters in 17 monographs, including in 9 monographs of the international publishers. He is an author of 3 methodical manuals, 19 patents of Ukraine, including 10 patents for inventions, co-author of 2 patent applications for the United States and the European PCT. The Editor-in-Chief of the monograph "Multifunctional nanomaterials for biology and medicine: molecular design, synthesis and application" (2017). The Editor-in-Chief of the monograph “Biomedical nanomaterials: From design and synthesis to imaging, application and environmental impact” which is in process of publication in 2021 by Springer-Nature publishing house.


Principal directions of scientific research at the Department:


  1. Structure-function inter-relationships in the antioneoplastic (in vitro) and anticancer (in vivo) action of novel synthetic and natural compounds of different chemical structure.
  2. Biochemical and cellular mechanisms of appearance and biological role of the biomarkers of apoptosis. The role of glycocalyx components in the intercellular interactions.
  3. Novel mechanisms and potential protein and peptide triggers in pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Role of immunogenic cell death in cancer suppression.
  4. Mechanisms of enhancement of action of medicines at their delivery to target cells by the nanoscale materials of synthetic and natural origin. Novel nanomaterials for non-viral delivery of nucleic acids to target cells of different origin (microorganisms, mammalian and plant cells).
Ukrainian | English

Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis


The main research topics:


  • molecular mechanisms of regulation of proliferation and apoptosis of tumor and immune cells of mammalians;
  • search for and identification of novel bio-markers of apoptosis at antitumor chemotherapy;
  • detection, isolation and biochemical characterization of novel abzymes (catalytically active antibodies) in blood serum of patients with autoimmune diseases, cancer, and in human milk;
  • detection, isolation and characterization of novel protein and peptide triggers in pathogenesis of autoimmune and oncological diseases;

  • role of immunogenic cell death in cancer suppression;
  • search for novel natural (plants and higher mushrooms) low molecular substances (alkaloids and tri-terpens) possessing anticancer and immunomodulating activities;
  • bio-evaluation of novel nanoscale materials (mineral and polymeric) with conjugated functional bio-elements (specific lectin or immunoglobulin) and label (fluorescent dye or super-paramagnetic core) (developed in collaboration with the Department of Organic Chemistry of National University "Lviv Polytechnica" and other research partner institutions);
  • the application of nanoscale polymeric materials for drug and gene delivery;
  • isolation of chitosan and preparation of its low molecular weight derivatives; the use of these derivatives for drug and gene delivery;
  • cellular and molecular mechanisms of anticancer action of novel antibiotics of landomycin family;
  • cellular and molecular mechanisms of anticancer action of novel derivatives of berberine alkaloid (developed in collaboration with Institute of Biology, Shendong Academy of Sciences, China);
  • cellular and molecular mechanisms of anticancer action of novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives (developed in collaboration with Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University);
  • cellular and molecular mechanisms of anticancer action of novel thiazol derivatives (developed in collaboration with Ivan Franko Lviv National University).
    Ukrainian | English

    Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


    Department of Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis




    Year Published scientific articles Total impact factor  
    All Including articles in the
    international journals
    2008 24 10 20.151 View publications
    2009 19 4 5.746 View publications
    2010 10 7 16.814 View publications
    2011 10 6 20.107 View publications
    2012 19 9 28.724 View publications
    2013 28 15 32.456 View publications
    2014 29 15 78.857 View publications
    2015 34 14 48.730 View publications
    2016 29 17 41.635 View publications
    2017 20 12 37.296 View publications
    2018 14 4 11.750 View publications
    2019 14 9 30.047 View publications
    2020 18 13 41.393 View publications
    2021       View publications



    1. Bilyy R., Kit Y., Hellman U., Stoika R. AMID: new insights on its intracellular localization and expression at apoptosis. Apoptosis. 2008. V.13, No 5. P. 729-732. (IF=3.949)
    2. Kaminskyy V., Kulachkovskyy O., Stoika R. A decisive role of mitochondria in defining rate and intensity of apoptosis induction by different alkaloids. Toxicol. Lett. 2008, V. 177, N 3, P. 168-181. (IF=3.145)
    3. Zaichenko A., Mitina N., Shevchuk O., Rayevska K., Lobaz V., Skorohoda T., Stoika R. Development of novel linear, block, and branched oligoelectrolytes and functionally targeting nanoparticles. Pure Applied Chemistry. 2008. V.80, N 11, P. 2309-2326. (IF=3.386)
    4. Phylchenkov A., Kaminskyy V., Zavelevych M., Stoika R. Apoptogenic activity of two benzophenanthridine alkaloids from Chelidonium majus L. does not correlate with their DNA damaging effects. Toxicol. In Vitro. 2008. V. 22, N 2, P. 287-295. (IF=2.65)
    5. Filyak Ye., Filyak O., Souchelnytskyi S., Stoika R. Doxorubicin inhibits TGF-b signaling in human lung carcinoma A549 cells. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2008; V.590, N 1-3, P. 67-73. (IF=2.592)
    6. Kaminskyy V., Lin K., Filyak Ye., Stoika R. Differential effect of sanguinarine, chelerythrine and chelidonine on DNA damage and cell viability in primary mouse spleen cells and mouse leukemic cells. Cell Biol. Int. 2008, V. 32, N 2, P. 271-277. (IF=1.64)
    7. Panchuk R.R., Boiko N.M., Lootsik M.D., Stoika R.S. Changes in signaling pathways of cell proliferation and apoptosis during NK/Ly lymphoma aging. Cell Biol. Int. 2008. V. 32, № 9. P. 1057-1063. (IF=1.64)
    8. Kit Y.Y., Starykovych M.A., Richter V.A., Stoika R.S. Detection and Characterization of IgG- and sIgA-Abzymes Capable of Hydrolyzing Histone H1. Biochemistry (Moscow). 2008. V. 73, № 8. Р. 950-956. (IF=1.149)
    9. Bilyy R., Podhorodecki A., Nyk M., Stoika R., Zaichenko A., Misiewicz J., Strek W. Utilization of GaN : Eu3+ nanocrystals for the detection of programmed cell death. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2008, V.40, P. 2096-2099.
    10. Bilyy O.I., Getman V.B., Bilyy R.O., Kushnir I.M., Kotsyumbas I.Ya. Rapid detection of bacterial cells by light scattering method. Proc. SPIE. 2008. 6864, 686411.
    11. Kozak M.R., Vlizlo V.V., Kit Y.Y., Stoika R.S. Induction of apoptosis and necrosis in leukemic cells by purified IgG of blood serum of mice which were fed with cattle brain for a long time. Biopolymers and Cell (Ukraine). 2008. V.24, No1, P. 1-5.
    12. Zaichenko O., Stoika R., Mitina N., Lutsik M., Shevchuk O., Lobaz V., Boiko N. Oligoperoxide based novel functional nanoscale composites: synthesis and biomedical application. Biotechnology (Ukraine). 2008. V.1, No 1, P. 86-99.
    13. Kit Yu.Ya., Starykovych M.O., Bilyy R.O., Skorohyd N. R., Yanyv L.B., Stoika R.S. Search for novel molecular markers of preclinical diagnostics of autoimmune disorders in parturient women: functional analysis of colostrum immunoglobulins. Biotechnology (Ukraine). 2008. V. 1, No 3. P. 37-46.
    14. Vlizlo V.V., Stadnyk V.V., Mayor Ch.Ya., Verbitsky P.I., R.S. Stoika Identification of pathological prion at spongiform encephalopathy in cattle. Biotechnology (Ukraine). 2008. V. 1, No 2. P. 75-80.
    15. Zhilchuk V.Y., Vorontsova A.L., Kliuchivska O.Yu., Stojka R.S., Kudryavets Y.Y. Prognostic relevance of serum Transforming Growth Factor βeta levels in breast cancer patients under interferon therapy. Oncology (Ukraine). 2008, V.9, No 4, P. 337-341.
    16. Stasyk T., Lutsik-Kordovsky M., Hellmann U., Wernstedt C., Souchelnytskyi S., Stoika R. A new toxic protein from death cap Amanita phalloides: Isolation and study of cytotoxic activity. Studia Biologica. 2008. V.2, N1, P.21-32.
    17. Stoika R. Novel mechanisms for action of extremal agents: the role of transforming growth factor type beta. Studia Biologica. 2008. V.2, No1, P. 3-20.
    18. Panchuk R.R., Boiko N.M., Lootsik M.D., Stoika R.S. Molecular mechanisms of IL-6 involvement in murine NK/Ly tumor development. Clin. Exp. Pathol. 2008. V. 7, No 1. P. 144-149.
    19. Stoika R.S., Yakymovych I.A., Kashchak N.I., Boyko M.M., Korynevska A.V., Klyuchyvska O.Y., Shafranska G.I., Yakymovych M.Y., Zhylchuk V.Y., Kudryavets Y.Y., Vorontsova A.L. Effect of anticancer drugs on production of transforming growth factor beta and expression of p53 and Bcl-2 proteins by MCF-7 and T47D cell lines of human breast carcinoma. Exp. Oncol., 2008, V. 30, N 1, P. 35-41.
    20. Kit Yu, Magoryvska I.B., Gavrylyuk A.M., Chopʼyak V.V., Bilyy R., Stoika R. Proteolytic activity of IgGs of blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erytematosis. Immunology and Allergology (Ukraine). 2008. №3(1). P. 66-71.
    21. Lootsik M., Boiko N., Lutsik M. (Jr.), Stoika R. Antitumor alkaloid preparations of new generation. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2008. V. XXI. P.227-241.
    22. Kit Y.Y. Catalytic antibodies (Abzymes) in norm and pathology. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2008. V. XXI. P. 242-254.
    23. Magorivska I. Detection of myelin basic protein hyrolysing iggs in blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosys. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2008. V. XXI. P. 255-262.
    24. R. Panchuk, N. Boiko, Stoika R. Molecular mechanisms of cell cycle regulation and proliferation in murine NK/Ly lymphoma during chemotherapy in vivo. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Chemistry and Biochemistry. 2008, V. XXI. P.263-271.


    Methodological Manuals:

    Antonyuk V.O. Analysis of the crude drugs containing lipids and lipid-like substances - Methodological Manual on Pharmacognosy for 3rd-year students of Pharmaceutical Faculty on specialty "Pharmacy" - Lviv, 2008. - 51 p.
