Articles for 2015 Year » page 9 » Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine



  1. Bilyy R., Nemesh L., Antonyuk V., Kit Yu., Valchuk I., Havryluk A, Chopyak V, Stoika R. Apoptosis-related changes in plasma membrane glycoconjugates of peripheral blood lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmunity. 2009. V.42, No 4, 334—336. (IF=2.525)
  2. Ostash B., Korynevska A., Stoika R., Fedorenko V. Chemistry and biology of Landomycins, an expanding family of polyketide natural products. // Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009. V. 9, N9, P.1040-1051. (IF=2.865)
  3. Bilyy R, Tomyn A, Kit Y, Podhorodecki A, Misiewicz J, Nyk M, Strek W, Stoika R. Detection of dying cells using lectin-conjugated fluorescent and luminescent nanoparticles. // Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2009, V.40, No 4. Р. 234 – 237. (IF=0.356)
  4. Havrylyuk A., Bilyy R., Tolstyak J., Kril I., Synenka M., Zabek J., Palacz A., Bogaczewicz J., Chopyak V., Stoika R. Evaluation of immunological criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. Central European Journal of Immunology. 2009. V.34, N3, P. 176-181.
  5. Magorivska I., Bilyy R., Shalay O., Loginsky V., Kit Y., Stoika R. Blood serum immunoglobulines of patients with multiple myeloma are capable of hydrolysing histone H1. // Exp. Oncol. 2009, V. 31, No 2, P. 1-5.
  6. Kit Yu.Ya., Magoryvska I.B., Gavrylyuk A.M., Chopʼyak B.B., Bilyy R.O., Stoika R.S. Proteolytic activity of IgG of blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosis. Ukr. Biochem. J. 2009. V.81, No 3. P. 78-84.
  7. Kozak M.R., Vlizlo V.V., Kit Yu.Ya., Stoika R.S. Biological features of immunoglobulins of class G in mice fed for a long time with brain of cattle. Ukr. Biochem. J. 2009. V.81, No 3. P. 84-91.
  8. Kozak M.R., Kit Yu.Ya., Vlizlo V.V., Stadnyk V.V., Stoika R.S. Level of physiological form of prion in brain and spleen and anti-PRPc –antibodies in blood serum of mice is dependent of their ration. Studia Biologica. 2009. V. 3, No 1. P. 73-78.
  9. Panchuk R.R., Boiko N.M., Stoika R.S. Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induction in murine lymphoma NK/Ly under chemotherapy in vivo. Studia Biologica. 2009. V. 3, No 1. P. 35-44.



  1. Yablonsky V.А., Khomin S.P., Zaviryukha V.І., Demchuk М.V., Stoika R.S., Sergiyenko О.І., Коsenkо М.V., Коtsyumbas І.Ya., Кusen S.J., Siratsky Y. Z. Biotechnological and molecular-genetic basis of animal reproduction. Lviv, Аfisha, 2009. 218 p.
  2. Solohub L.І., Аntonyak G.L., Bohdanov G.О., Vlizlo V.V., Yanovych V.G. Мethan and Atmosphere Warming Effect. Lviv, Pais, 2009. 275 p.



  1. Meesmann H.M., Fehr E.-M., Kierschke S., Herrmann M., Bilyy R., Heyder P., Blank N., Krienke S., Lorenz H.-M., Schiller M. Decrease of sialic acid residues as an eat-me signal on the surface of apoptotic lymphocytes. // J Cell Sci. – 2010. – V. 123. P. 3347-3356. (IF=5.877)
  2. Stasyk T., Lutsik-Kordovsky M., Wernstedt C., Antonyuk V., Klyuchivska O., Souchelnytskyi S., Hellman U., Stoika R. A new highly toxic protein isolated from the death cap Amanita phalloides is oxidase of l-aminoacids // FEBS Journal. – 2010. – V.277. – P. 1260-1269. (IF=4.25)
  3. Magorivska I.B., Bilyy R.O., Havrylyuk A.M., Chopʼyak V.V., Stoika R.S., Kit Y.Y. Anti-histone H1 IgGs from blood serum of systemic lupus erythematosus patients are capable of hydrolyzing histone H1 and myelin basic protein. J. Mol. Recognition. 2010. – V. 23, N 5. – P. 495-502 (IF=3.006)
  4. Antonyuk V.О., Klyuchivska O.Yu., Stoika R.S. Cytotoxic proteins of Amanita virosa Secr. mushroom: purification, characteristics and action towards mammalian cells // Toxicon. – 2010. – V. 55. – P. 1297-1305. (IF=2.924)
  5. Bilyy R, Lutsyk A. A brief account of Julius Planerʼs life and research. // Condensed Matter Physics. – 2010. – V. 13. – P. 370031-370033. (IF=0.757)
  6. Chopyak, V., Y. Tolstiak, I. Magoryvska, R. Bilyy, N. Korniy, Y. Kit, R. Stoika. 2010. Histone H1/MBP hydrolysing antibodies - novel potential marker in diagnosis of disease severity in systematic lupus erythematosus patients. // Health. – 2010. – V.2., N. 10. – P. 1204-1207.
  7. Zaichenko, A., N. Mitina, O. Shevchuk, O. Shapoval, N. Boiko, R. Bilyy, R. Stoika, A. Voloshinovskii, D. Horak. Oligoperoxide Based Physically Detectable Nanocomposites for Cell Targeting, Visualization and Treatment. // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2010. – V. 1275. – P. 178-182.
  8. Kozak M.R., Stoika R.S., Kit Yu.Ya., Vlizlo V.V. Transmissible spongiform encephalophaties: common characteristic, theories of the development, biological models of the investigation. Animal biology. 2010. V. 12, No 1. – P. 24–36.
  9. Antonyuk V. O., Nemchenko O. O., Tymchuk I. V., Danileuchenko V. V., Stoika R. S. Studies of hemolytical and antimicrobical action of Amanita virosa Secr. and Mycena pura /Fr./ Kumm. poisonous mushrooms lectins. Biopolym. Cell. 2010; 26, No 1. P. 29-35.
  10. Tsyrulnyk А. О., Snitynsky V. V., Stoika R. S. Modification of genes of STAT transcription factors using BAC-recombination method. Biotechnology. 2010. V.3, No 3. P. 91-96.


Chapters in Monographs:

Kit Yu. Immunogenicity and adjuvant properties of novel biocompatible nanoparticles / Yu. Kit, R. Bilyy, R. Stoika, N. Mitina, A. Zaichenko // Biocompatible Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. 2010. - Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge – New York. P. 209-223.



  1. Horák D., Shagotova T., Mitina N., Trchová M., Boiko N., Babic M., Stoika R., Kovarova J., Hevus O., Benes M., Klyuchivska O., Holler P., Zaichenko A. Surface-Initiated Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate from Heterotelechelic Oligoperoxide-Coated γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and their Engulfment by Mammalian Cells // Chem. Mater. – 2011. – V. 23 (10). – P. 2637–2649. )IF=8.238)
  2. Šponarová D., Horák D., Trchová M., Jendelová P., Herynek V., Mitina N., Zaichenko A., Stoika R., Lesný P., Syková E. The use of oligoperoxide-coated magnetic nanoparticles to label stem cells // J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. – 2011. – V. 7, N 3. – P. 384–394. (IF=5.256)
  3. Bilyy R., Tomin A., Mahorivska I., Shalay O., Lohinskyy V., Stoika R., Kit Y. Antibody-mediated sialidase activity in blood serum of patients with multiple myeloma // Journal of Molecular Recognition. – 2011. – V. 24, N 4. – P. 576–584. (IF=3.006)
  4. Horbay R.O., Manko B.O., Manko V.V., Lootsik M.D., Stoika R.S. Respiration characteristics of mitochondria in parental and giant transformed cells of murine Nemeth-Kellner lymphoma // Cell Biology International. – 2011. – V. 35. – P. 1–7. (IF=1.64)
  5. Panchak L. V., Antonyuk V. O. Purification of a Lectin from Fruit Bodies of Lactarius pergamenus (Fr.) Fr. and Studies of Its Properties. Biochemistry (Moscow). М. 76, No 4. P. 537-550. (IF=1.402)
  6. Horbay R. Giant cell formation: way to cell death or cell survival? / R. Horbay, R. Stoika // Central European Journal of Biology. – 2011. – V. 6, N 5. – P. 675–684. (IF=0.818)
  7. Panchak L.V., Tsivinska M.V., Antonyuk V.O., Stoika R.S. Chemical composition of the frozen out methanol extracts from true mushrooms basidioms. Biotechnology. 2011. V. 4, No. 5. Р. 90-96.
  8. Lutsyk M.M., Yashchenko A.M., Kovalyshyn V.I., Prydatko O.E., Stoika R.S., Lootsik M.D. Hete- rogeneity of cell population of lymphoma NK/Ly and leukemia L-1210 according to carbohydrate structure of cell surface: immunocytochemical analysis of lectin binding. Tsitologiia i genetika (Cytology and Genetics). 2011. V. 45, No 2. P. 3–9.
  9. Horbay R.O., Kashchak N.I., Stoika R.S. A comparison of paclitaxel and vinblastine induced giant cell formation in murine NK/Ly lymphoma // Studia Biologica. – 2011. – V. 5, N 1. – С. 69–76.
  10. Falfushynska H. I, Gnatyshyna L. L., Stoliar O. B. Mitina N. E., Zaichenko O. S., Filyak Ye. Z., Stoika R. S. Evaluation of biological effects of cobalt-nanocomposites with the use of biochemical markers of bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 201. – V. 83, N 5. – P. 14–21.


Chapters in Monographs:

  1. Cell Surface Glycans at SLE – Changes during cells death, utilization for disease detection and molecular mechanism underlying their modification / R. Bilyy, A. Tomin, Ya. Tolstyak, A. Havrylyuk, V. Chopyak, Yu. Kit, R. Stoika // Autoimmune Disorders. – InTech, Croatia, Zagreb, 2011. – 300 р. (P. 1–22).
  2. Molecular and cell biology and biotechnology / А. Sibirny, R. Stoika, М. Gonchar, D. Fedorovych, О. Stasyk, N. Sibirna, V. Fedorenko // Science in Western Regions of Ukraine (1990-2010). Lviv. Pais, 2011. ¬P. 318-323.


Methodological Manuals:

Antonyuk V.O., Lysyuk R.M., Antonyuk L.Ya. A Practical Course of Pharmacognosy. – Lviv. –Quart. – 2011. – 499 р.



  1. Grabiec A.M., Korchynskyi O., Tak P.P., Reedquist K.A. (2012) Histone deacetylase inhibitors suppress rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocyte and macrophage IL-6 production by accelerating mRNA decay. Annals Rheumat. Dis. 71, No 3, P.424-431. (IF=9.111)
  2. Prylutska S. Water-Soluble Pristine Fullerenes C60 Increase the Specific Conductivity and Capacity of Lipid Model Membrane and form the Channels in Cellular Plasma Membrane / S. Prylutska, R. Bilyy, M. Overchuk, A. Bychko, K. Andreichenko, R. Stoika, V. Rybalchenko, Yu. Prylutskyy, N. G. Tsierkezos, U. Ritter // Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. – 2012. – Vol. 8. – Р. 522–527 ISSN: 1550-7033, (IF=5.256)
  3. Bilyy R. O. Macrophages discriminate glycosylation patterns of apoptotic cell-derived microparticles / R. O. Bilyy, T. Shkandina, A. Tomin, L. E. Munoz, S. Franz, V. Antonyuk, Y. Y. Kit, M. Zirngibl, B. G. Fuernrohr, C. Janko, K. Lauber, M. Schiller, G. Schett, R. S. Stoika, M. Herrmann // Journal of Biological Chemistry. – 2012. – Vol. 287 (1). – P. 496–503 (IF=4.651)
  4. Falfushynska H. Evaluation of biotargeting and ecotoxicity of Co2+-containing nanoscale polymeric complex by applying multi-marker approach in bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea / H. Falfushynska, L. Gnatyshyna, O. Stoliar, N. Mitina, T. Skorokhoda, Y. Filyak, A. Zaichenko, R. Stoika // ChemoSphere. – 2012. – Vol. 88, N 8. – P. 925–936 (IF=3.137)
  5. Prylutska S. Effect of iron-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes on lipid model and cellular plasma membranes / S. Prylutska, R. Bilyy, T. Schkandina, A. Bychko, V. Cherepanov, K. Andreichenko, R. Stoika, V. Rybalchenko, Yu Prylutskyy, P. Scharff, U. Ritter // Materials Science and Engineering С. – 2012. – Vol. 32. – Р. 1486–1489 (ISSN: 0921-5093, (IF=2.404)
  6. Shkandina T, Herrmann M, Bilyy R. Sweet kiss of dying cell: Sialidase activity on apoptotic cell is able to act toward its neighbors. Autoimmunity 2012; 45:574-578. (IF=2.525)
  7. Horbay RO, Manko BO, Manko VV, Lootsik MD, Stoika RS. (2012) Respiration characteristics of mitochondria in parental and giant transformed cells of the murine Nemeth-Kellner lymphoma. Cell Biol Int. 36(1): P.71-77. (IF=1.64)
  8. Kunitskaya L.R., Zheltonozhskaya T.B., Permyakova N.M., Stoika R.S., Boiko N.M., Sjlyakhtina Ye.A. Anion micelle-forming triblock copolymers as nanoocntainers for doxorubicin. Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties. – 2012. – Vol. 1, N2. – P. 02NNBM10(3pp).
  9. Panchuk R.R. Study of molecular mechanisms of proapoptotic action of novel heterocyclic 4-thiazolidone derivatives / R.R. Panchuk, V.V. Chumak, M.R. Filʼ, D.Ya. Havrylyuk, B.S. Zimenkovsky, R.B. Lesyk, R.S. Stoika // Biopolymers and Cell. – 2012. – Vol. 28, N 2. – P. 121–128 (ISSN: 0233-7657).
  10. Gudz E. A., Hula N. M., Goridko T. N., Bashta Y. M., Voyeikov A. I., Berdyshev A. G., Kosiakova H. V., Panchuk R. R., Stoika R. S., Ryabtseva A. A., Zaichenko O. S. Antitoxic and antioxidant effects of n-stearoylethanolamin in the content of nanocomposite complex with doxorubicin in organs of mice with lewis carcinoma // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 84, N 4. – P. 61–69 (ISSN: 0201-8470).
  11. Riabtseva A., Mitina N., Boiko N., Garasevich S., Yanchuk I., Stoika R., Slobodyanyuk O., Zaichenko A. Structural and colloidal-chemical characteristics f nanosized drug delivery systems based on pegylatedcomb-like carriers // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – Vol. 6, N 3. – 2012. – P. 291–295 (ISSN: 1996-4196).
  12. Panchak L. V., Klyuchivska O. Yu., Tsivinska M. V., Stoika R. S., Lesyk R. B., Antonyuk V. O. The chemical composition and antiproliferative activity of fractions of the methanol extract from the basidiomes of Lactarius pergamenus (Fr.)Fr // Biotechnologia. – 2012. – Vol. 5, N 1. – P. 78–85.
  13. Korchynskyi O. G. Adenoviral vectors: convenient tools for gene delivery to primary mammalian cells // Biotechnologia. – 2012. – Т. 5, №6. – С. 16-26.
  14. Kit Y. Ya., Bilyy R. O., Skorokhoda T. V., Boiko N. M., Korniy N. S., Mitina N. E., Zaichenko A. S. Interaction of nanoscale doxorubicin conjugates with proteins and cells of peripheral human blood // Biotechnologia. – 2012. – Т. 5, №6. – С. 87-91.
  15. Tomin А. М., Bilyy R. O., Kit Yu.Ya., Kril I. J., Butters T. D., Stoika R. S. Apoptotic modification of glycosphingolipids of human granulocytes // Studia Biologica. – 2012. – Т. 6, № 2. – С. 45–54.
  16. Panchuk R. R., Skorokhyd N. R., Chumak V. V., Lehka L. V., Moiseenok A. G., Berger W., Stoika R. S. Selenium-containing compounds and d-panthetine modulate the action of doxorubicin and cisplatin towards drug-resistant tumor cells // Studia Biologica. – 2012. – Vol. 6, N 1. – P. 5–19.
  17. Senkiv Yu. V., Ryabtseva A. R., Heffeter P.,. Boiko N. M, Shlyakhtina E. A., Mitina N. E., Berger W., Zaichenko O. S., Stoika R. S. Immobilization of doxorubicin on the olygoeleсtrolytic polymeric carrier vep-gma-peg increases its and anticancer activity cellular uptake // Studia Biologica. – 2012. – Vol. 6, N 2. – P. 5–16.
  18. Lootsik M.D., Lutsik M.M., Stoika R.S. Sapogenins isolated from the greater celandine (Chelidonium majus L.) seeds potentiate a therapeutic effect of vinblastin towards murine NK/Ly lymphoma // Studia Biologica. – 2012. – Vol. 6, N 3. – P. 29–38.
  19. Finiuk N. S., Vitak T. Y., Mitina N. Y., Filyak Y. Z., Zaichenko O. S., Stoika R. S. Polyplex formation by novel surface active comb-like polyamfolytes and plasmid dna // Biotechnologia. – 2012. – Vol. 5, N 6. – P. 66–72.


Chapters in Monographs:

  1. Novel Serine-Protease Like Catalytic Antibodies with Double Substrate Proteolytic Activity in Human Blood Serum and Colostrums / Yu. Kit, M. Starykovych, I. Mahorivska, R. Bilyy, R. Stoika // Serine Proteases: Mechanism, Structure and Evolution. Editors: Isamu Chiba and Takao Kamio. – Nova Sci. Publ., Inc., Hauppauge – NY, 2012. – P. 71–89.
  2. Hemolytic Lectins from the Higher Mushroom / V. О. Antonyuk, R. S. Stoika // Mushrooms: Types, Properties, and Nutrition. Editors: Sophie Andres and Niko Baumann. – New York: Nova Publiciers, 2012. – Р. 195–214.


Methodological Manuals:

Methods of control of knowledge on histological preparations and electronic microphotographs in histology of organ systems / Bilyy R.O., Nakonechna O.V., Yashchenko A.М., Lutsik О.D. Lviv. Danylo Halitsky Lviv National Medical University, 2012. 46 p.



  1. Brument S, Sivignon A, Dumych T, Moreau N, Roos G, Guérardel Y, Chalopin T, Deniaud D, Bilyy R, Darfeuille Michaud A. Thiazolylaminomannosides as potent anti-adhesives of type 1 piliated Escherichia coli isolated from Crohnʼs disease patients. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013; 56:5395–5406. (IF=5.614)
  2. Senkiv Y., Riabtseva A., Heffeter P., Boiko N., Kowol R.C., Jungwith U., Shlyakhtina Y., Garasevych S.G., Mitina N., Berger W., Zaichenko A., Stoika R. Enhanced anticancer activity and circumvention of resistance mechanisms by novel polymeric/phospholipidic nanocarriers of doxorubicin // J. Biomedical Nanotechnology. – Accepted 28. 10. 2013. – 08.01.2013. – 36 р. (IF=5.256)
  3. Heffeter P., Riabtseva A., Senkiv Y., Kowol R.C., Koerner W., Jungwith U., Mitina N., Keppler B.K., Konstantinova T., Yanchuk I., Stoika R., Zaichenko A., Berger W. Nanoformulation improve sactivity of the (pre)clinival anticancer ruthenium complex KP1019 // J. of Biomedical Nanotechnology, – 2013, V.9, P.: 1-8. (IF=5.256)
  4. Zasońska B. A., Boiko N., Horák D., Klyuchivska O., Macková H., Benes M. J., Babic M., Trchová M., Hromádková J., Stoika R. The use of hydrophilic poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) for promoting engulfment of magnetic gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles by mammalian cells // J. Biomedical Nanotechnology. – 2013. – Vol. 9, N 3. – P. 479–491 (IF=5.256)
  5. Filyak Ye., Finiuk N., Mitina N., Bilyk O., Titorenko V., Hrydzhuk O., Zaichenko A., Stoika R. A novel method for genetic transformation of yeast cells using oligoelectrolyte polymeric nanoscale carriers // BioTechniques. – 2013. – Vol. 54, N 1. – P. 35–43. (IF=2.962)
  6. Chaurio R, Janko C, Schorn C, Maueröder C, Bilyy R, Gaipl U, Schett G, Berens C, Frey B, Munoz LE. UVB-irradiated apoptotic cells induce accelerated growth of co-implanted viable tumor cells in immune competent mice. Autoimmunity 2013; 46:317-322. (IF=2.767)
  7. Ficen S. Z., Guler Z., Mitina N., Finіuk N., Stoika R., Zaichenko A., Ceylan S. E. Biophysical study of novel oligoelectrolyte based non-viral gene delivery systems to mammalian cells // Journal of Gene Medicine. – 2013. – Vol. 15, N 5. – P. 193–204 (IF=2.163)
  8. Prylutska S., Bilyy R., Shkandina T., Rotko D., Bychko A., Cherepanov V., Stoika R., Rybalchenko V., Prylutskyy Y., Tsierkezos N., Ritter U. Comparative study of membranotropic action of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes // Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. – 2013. – Vol. 115. –P. 674–679 (IF=1.737)
  9. Lutsyk A.D., Ambarova N.A., Antonyuk V.O. Diabetic alteration versus postnatal maturation of rat kidney glycoconjugates: a comparative detection by lectin probes // Folia histochemica et cytobiologica – 2013.- V. 51, N 1- Р. 92 – 102 (IF=0.902)
  10. Hodovana O., Martovlos A., Hrynovets V., Hodovanyi O., Stoika R. Comparative evaluation of application of osteoplastic materials of various origin in surgical treatment of generalized periodontitis // Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2013. - V. 22, N5A. - P.44-47. (IF=0.543)
  11. Lootsik M., Lutsyk M., Stoika R. Nemeth-Kellner Lymphoma Is valid Experimental Model In Testing Chemical Agents for Anto-Lymphoproliferative Activity // Open Journal of Blood Diseases. – 2013. – Vol. 3. – P. 1–6.
  12. Stoika R., Boiko N., Senkiv Y., Shlyakhtina Y., Panchuk R., Finiuk N., Filyak Y., Bilyy R., Kit Y., Skorohyd N. Enhanced cytotoxicity of anticancer drug delivered by novel nanoscale polymeric carrier // Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. – 2013. – Vol. 429. – P. 12–28.
  13. Zasońska B. A., Boiko N., Klyuchivska O., Trchová M., Petrovský E., Stoika R., Horák D. Silica-coated γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles: Preparation and engulfment by mammalian macrophages // J. Nanopharmaceutics Drug Delivery – 2013. -1, 182-192.
  14. Van Rijssel J, Timmerman I, Van Alphen FP, Hoogenboezem M, Korchynskyi O, Geerts D, Geissler J, Reedquist KA, Niessen HW, Van Buul JD. The Rho-GEF Trio regulates a novel pro-inflammatory pathway through the transcription factor Ets2. // Biol Open. – 2013. – 2(6). – Р. 569-579.
  15. Overchuk M, Prylutska S, Bilyy R, Prylutsky Y, Ritter U. The interaction of the carbon nanoparticles with human cell plasma membrane. In: Proceedings SPIE 8812, Biosensing and Nanomedicine VI, vol. 8812. San Diego; 2013: 88120X-88120X-88126.
  16. Senkiv Yu.V., Heffeter P., Riabtseva A.O., Boiko N.M., Zaichenko O.S., Mitina N.Ye., Berger W., Stoika R.S. Action of free and polymer carrier encapsulated doxorubicin towards HCT 116 cells of human colorectal carcinoma // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 85, N 2. – P. 33–44.
  17. Panchuk R.R., Chumak V.V., Filʼ M.R., Havrylyuk D.Ya., Zimenkovsky B.S. , Lesyk R.B., Stoika R.S. Study of molecular mechanisms of proapoptotic action of novel heterocyclic 4-thiazolidone derivatives // Biopolymers and Cell. – 2012. – Vol. 28, N 2. – P. 121–128.
  18. Falʼfushynsʼka H.I., Hnatyshyna L.L., Turta O.O., Stoliar O.B., Mitina N.Ie., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S. Functions of metallothioneins and a system of antioxidant defense under the effect of Co- and Zn-containing nanocomposites on crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 85, N 3. – P. 52–61.
  19. Bilyy R., Stoika R. Sweet Taste of Cell Death: Role оf Carbohydrate Recognition Systems // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 85, N 6. – P. 183–196.
  20. Antoniuk V.O., Panchak L.V., Starykovych M.O., Stoika R.S. A new mannose-specific lectin from daylily (Hemerocallis fulva L.) rhizome: purification and properties // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 85, N 2. – P. 27–32.
  21. Antonyuk V.O., Panchak L.V., Starykovych M.O., Strutovskaya K.S., Stoika R.S. Purification and characterization of a new mannose-specific lectin from Hyacinthella аcutiloba K. Perss. // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2013. – Vol. 6, N 3. – P. 69–74.
  22. Boiko N.M., Senkiv Yu.V., Shlyakhtina Ye.A., Kluchivska O.Yu., Skorohid N.R., Mitina N.E., Skorohoda T.V., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S. Action of doxorubicin delivered to tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by novel nanoscale oligoelectrolytic carrier // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2013. – Vol. 6, N 3. – P. 53–62.
  23. Finiuk N.S., Filyak Y.Z., Boiko N.M., Mitina N. E., Zaichenko O. S., Stoika R. S. Evaluation of cytotoxic and mutagenic action of novel surface active comb-like polyampholytes that are used for delivery of nucleic acids to target cells // Studia Biologica. – 2013. – Vol. 7, N 2. – P. 15–26.
  24. Senkiv Yu., Ryabtseva A., Boiko N., Mitina N., Zaichenko O., Stoika R. Mechanisms of enhancement of antineoplastic activity of Ru2+-containing drug by immobilization on polymer carrier // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2013. – Issue 62. – P. 3–12.
  25. Holub O., Chernyk Ya., Bilyy R., Holub N. Changes in the phenotypic characteristics on dystrophyn mutant of drosophila melanogaster under the impact of additional copies of genes nAchRα-30D, Cam, Sema-1a and Sema-2a // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. – 2013. – Issue 61. – P. 83–90.
  26. Yashchenko A.M., Lutsyk S.O., Overchuk M.O., Bilyy R.O. Experimental hypothyroidism decreases exposure of D-man and L-fuc carbohydrate determinants in the rat adrenal gland // Acta Medica Leopoliensia. – 2013. – Vol. 19, – N 1, – P. 49-55.
  27. Tsivinska M.V., Panchak L.V., Stoika R. S., Antonyuk V. O. Identification of components of the milky juse of Lactarius pergamenus (Fr.) Fr fungy by gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2013. Vol.85, N5. P. 170-176.
  28. Starykovych M. O., Stoika R. S., Kit Yu. Ya. Mitotic activity of anti-histone H1 sIgA-antibodies from milk of healthy mothers // Biopolymers and Cell. – 2013. – Vol. 29. – N 2. P. – 117–123.


Chapters in Monographs:

  1. Sweet taste of cell death: role of carbohydrate recognition systems / R. Bilyy, R. Stoika // Biochemistry and Biotechnology for Modern Medicine. Ed. Acad. S.V. Komisarenko. Publishing House of Моskalenko О. М., Kyiv, 2013. – P. 615-636.
  2. Yuriy Kit, Iryna Magorivska, Valentyna Chopyak, Yaroslav Tolstiak, Rostyslav Bilyy and Rostyslav Stoika. Novel Biological Activities of Autoantibodies as the Potential Markers of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus./ In "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Prevalence, Pathophysiology and Prognosis". Eds.: Syuichi Koarada/ Nova Sci. Publ., Inc., Hauppauge – NY. 2013. P.1-10.


Methodological Manuals:

Antonyuk V.O. Pharmacognostic Basic of Phytotherapy (for students of pharmaceutic faculty). – Lviv. Danylo Halitsky Lviv National Medical University, 2013. 68 p.



  1. Schorn C., Janko C., Munoz L, Zhao Yi, Kienhöfer D., Frey B., Lell M., Manger B, Rech J, Naschberger E., Holmdahl R., Krenn V., Harrer T., Jeremic I., Bilyy R, Schett G, Hoffmann M., Herrmann M., Aggregated neutrophil extracellular traps act as cytokine sinks and terminate neutrophil-driven inflammation". // Nature Medicine, 2014, 20(5): P.511-7. (IF=28.054)
  2. Magorivska I, Jeremic I, Herman S, Munoz LE, Bilyy R, Herrmann M. Rheumatoid factor binding is influenced by the N-Glycans of their IGG targets. // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014; 73:A25., (IF=9.270)
  3. Yoshida K., Korchynskyi O., Tak P.-P., Isozaki T., Ruth J.H., Campbell P.L., Baeten D.L., Gerlag D.M., Amin M.A., and. Koch A.E.  Citrullination of ENA-78/CXCL5 results in conversion from a non-monocyte recruiting to a monocyte recruiting chemokine. // Arthritis and Rheumat. – 2014. – V. 66, N. 10. – P. 2716-2727.  (IF=7.871)
  4. Senkiv Y., Riabtseva A., Heffeter P., Boiko N., Kowol R.C., Jungwith U., Shlyakhtina Y., Garasevych S.G., Mitina N., Berger W., Zaichenko A., Stoika R. Enhanced anticancer activity and circumvention of resistance mechanisms by novel polymeric/phospholipidic nanocarriers of doxorubicin. // J. Biomedical Nanotechnology. – 2014. – V. 10, N. 7. – P. 1369-1381. (IF=7.580)
  5. Heffeter P., Riabtseva A., Senkiv Y., Kowol R.C., Koerner W., Jungwith U., Mitina N., Keppler B.K., Konstantinova T., Yanchuk I., Stoika R., Zaichenko A., Berger W.Nanoformulation improves activity of the (pre)clinival anticancer ruthenium complex KP1019. // J. Biomedical Nanotechnology. – 2014. – V. 10, N 5 – P. 877-84. (IF=7.580)
  6. Panchuk R.R. Prylutska S.V., Chumak V.V., Skorokhyd N.R., Lehka L.V., Evstigneev M.P., Prylutsky Yu.I., Berger W., Heffeter P., Scharff P., Ritter U., Stoika R.S. Application of С60 Fullerene-Doxorubicin Complex for Tumor Cell Treatment in vitro and in vivo. // J. Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2014. – V. 11, N 7 – P. 1139-1152. (IF=7.580)
  7. Grama S. Boiko N., Bilyy R.,. Klyuchivska O, Antonyuk V., Stoika R., Horak D. Novel fluorescent poly(glycidyl methacrylate) – silica microspheres. // Eur. Polym. J. – 2014. – V. 56. – P. 92-104. (IF=3.242)
  8. Falfushynska H. Gnatyshyna L., Turta O., Stoliar O., Mitina N., Zaichenko A., Stoika R.. Responses of hepatic metallothioneins and apoptotic activity in Carassius auratus gibelio witness a release of cobalt and zinc from waterborne nanoscale composites. // Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology. Part C. Toxicol. Pharmacol. – 2014. – Vol. 160. N1. – P. 66-74. (IF=2.860)
  9. Kit Y. Starykovych M., Vajrychova M., Lenco J., Zastavna D., Stoika R. Detection of novel auto-antigens in patients with recurrent miscarrige: description of an approach and preliminary findings. // Croat. Med. J. – 2014. – Vol. 55. – P. 259-264. (IF=1.400)
  10. Panchuk R. Skorokhyd N., Chumak V., Lehka L., Omelyanchik S., Gurinovich V., Moiseenok A., Heffeter P., Berger W., Stoika R. Specific antioxidant compounds differentially modulate cytotoxic activity of doxorubicin and cisplatin: in vitro and in vivo study // Croat. Med. J. – 2014. – V. 55, N.3. – P. 206-217. (IF=1.400)
  11. Dumych T. Lutsyk M., Banski M., Yashchenko A., Sojka B., Horbay R., Lutsyk A., Stoika R. , Misiewicz J., Podhorodecki A., Bilyy R. Visualization of melanoma tumor with lectin-conjugated rare-earth doped fluoride nanocrystals. // Croat. Med. Journal. – 2014. – V. 55, N.3. – P. 186-194. (IF=1.400)
  12. Antonyuk R. Lutsyk A., Antonyuk V. Lectin purification from fruiting bodies of brown roll-rim fungus (Рахillus involutus (Fr.) Fr.) and its application in histochemistry. // Roman. J of Morphology and Embryology, 2014, N 3. - P. 4 – 10. (IF=0.620)
  13. Podhorodecki A. , A. Noculak, M. Banski, B. Sojka, A. Zelazo, J. Misiewicz, J. Cichos, M. Karbowiak, B. Zasonska, D. Horak, B. Sikora, D. Elbaum, T. Dumych, R. Bilyy, M. Szewczyk Lanthanides fluorides doped nanocrystals for biomedical applications. // ECS Transactions. – 2014 – V. 61. – P. 115-125.
  14. Yashchenko A.M., Lutsyk S.A., Renka D.J., Bilyy R.O., Lutsyk A.D. Alterations in carbohydrate determinants in rat adrenal gland following experimental hypothyroidism. // European Journal of Anatomy 2014; 18:75-80.
  15. Антонюк В.А. Лектины: их роль в жизни человека и значение в фитотерапии / В.А. Антонюк // Фармакокинетика и фармакодинамика (Москва) – 2014, №1. – С. 14- 20. (Рус.)
  16. Фінюк Н.С. Чапля А.Є., Мітіна Н.Є., Бойко Н.М., Лобачевська О.В., М'ягкота О.C., Ємець А.І., Блюм Я.Б., Заіченко О.С., Стойка Р.С. Генетична трансформація моху Ceratodon purpureus за допомогою новихполікатіонних носіїв. // Цитология и генетика. – 2014. – Т.48, № 6. – С. 3-11. (IF=0.245)
  17. Варивода О.Ю. Нокаут гена pttg у мишей супроводжується збільшенням сечового простору ниркових тілець / О.Ю. Варивода, А.М. Ященко, О.Д. Луцик, Р.О. Білий, С.В. Афанасьєв, Є.З. Філяк, Р.С. Стойка // Biopolym. & Cell. – 2014. – V. 30, N.2. – P.122-128.
  18. Кіт Ю.Я., Корній Н., Кріль І.Й., Магорівська І.Б., Ткаченко В., Білий Р.О., Стойка Р.С. Протеолітична активність IgG-антитіл мишей, імунізованих гістонами тимуса теляти. // Укр. Бiохiм. ж. – 2014. – T. 86, No 2. – C. 80-88.
  19. Кріль І.Й., Гаврилюк А.М., Стойка Р.С., Чоп'як В.В., Кіт Ю.Я. Характеристика ензиматичної активності та білкового складу сироватки крові щурів за умов індукованого імунiзацією запалення суглобів. // Експ. Клін. фізіологія i біохімія. – 2014. – № 2, – С. 15 – 23.
  20. Рудавська Л.М., Ключівська О.Ю., Стойка Р.С., Новицький І.Я. Вміст трансформуючого фактору росту β 2 у волозі передньої камери очного яблука пацієнтів із відкритокутовою глаукомою після мікропульсової діодної лазерної трабекулопластики. // Acta Medica Leopoliensia. – 2014. – Т. 20, №.1. – С. 17-20.
  21. Рудавська Л.М., Ключівська О.Ю., Годована О.І., Горбай Р.О., Стойка Р.С., Новицький І.М. Вплив випромінювання діодного лазеру (810 нм) у мікроімпульсному та безперервному режимі на проліферативну активність і виживаність клітин сполучної тканини. // Експ. Клін. фізіологія і біохімія. – 2014. – №.1. – С. 18-27.
  22. Чумак В.В., Панчук Р.Р., Манько Н.О., Гаврилюк Д.Я., Кобилінська Л.І., Лесик Р.Б., Зіменковський Б.С., Стойка Р.С. Порівняльне дослідження на пухлинних клітинах людини in vitro цитотоксичної активності різних за структурою ізатинвмісних похідних 4-тіазолідинону. // Studia Biologica. – 2014. – Т. 8, N.2. – С. 29–42.
  23. Луцик М.Д., Бойко Н.М., Мітіна Н.Є., Ключівська О.Ю., Луцик М.М., Константинова Т.Є., Заіченко О.С., Стойка Р.С. Фракціонування клітинних популяцій суперпарамагнітними частинками із заданими функціональними властивостями поверхні. // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2014. – Т. 7, N. 1. – С. 80-86.
  24. Антонюк В.О. Комплексне використання бульб топінамбуру: очистка інуліну, фруктози та манозоспецифічного лектину. // Фармацевтичний журнал. – 2014. – №3. – С. 50-60.
  25. Панчак Л.В., Антонюк В.О. Стандартизація сировини Lactarius pergamenus (Fr.)Fr та біологічно активної субстанції. // Фітотерапія. Часопис. – 2014. – №3. – С. 45-48.
  26. Антонюк В.О. Очистка ергостерину з базидіом грузлика димчатого (Clicocybe nebularis (Fr.) Kumm.) // Актуальні питання фармацевтичної і медичної науки і практики. – 2014. – №2. – . 54-56.
  27. Kobylyns'ka L.I., Havryliuk D.Ia., Riabtseva A.O., Mitina N.Ie., Zaichenko O.S., Zimenkovskyĭ B.S., Stoĭka R.S. Study of rat blood serum biochemical indicators of cardiotoxic action of novel antitumor 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and doxorubicin in complexes with polyethylene glycol-containing polymeric carrier in the rat blood serum. // Ukr Biochem J. 2014 – V.86 №6, 84-95.
  28. Chumak V.V. Study of antineoplastic action of novel isomeric derivatives of 4-thiazolidinone. / Chumak V.V., Fil M.R., Panchuk R.R., Zimenkovsky B.S., Havrylyuk D.Y., Lesyk R.B., Stoika R.S. // Ukr Biochem J. – 2014. – V.86, №6. – P. 96-105.
  29. Чумак В.В. Порівняльне дослідження на пухлинних клітинах людини in vitro цитотоксичної активності різних за структурою ізатинвмісних похідних 4-тіазолідинону / Чумак В.В., Панчук Р.Р., Манько Н.О., Гаврилюк Д.Я., Кобилінська Л.І., Лесик Р.Б., Зіменковський Б.С., Стойка Р.С. // Studia Biologica. – 2014. – Т. 8, №2. – С. 29-42.


Монографії (розділи в монографіях):

  1. Application of Novel Polymeric Carrier of Plasmid DNA for Transformation of Yeast Cells. / Y. Filyak, N. Finiuk, N. Mitina, A. Zaichenko, R. Stoika // "Genetic transformation systems in fungi" Editors: Marco van den Berg and Karunakaran Maruthachalam. Chapter 8.1. ‑ Springer. 2014. – Р. 201-207.
  2. Селективное разпознавание и мечение клеток животных и человека новыми люминесцентными наночастицами с ковалентно связанными лектинами и антителами / Р.А. Билый, Н.Е. Митина, Н.Н. Бойко, А.М. Томин, Р.Р. Панчук, А.С. Заиченко, Р.С. Стойка // Раздел монографии Наноразмерные системы и наноматериалы: исследования в Украине / Редкол.: А.Г. Наумовец (глав. ред.); НАН Украины. – К.: Академпериодика, 2014. – 768 с., 4 с. ил. – С. 481-485.
  3. Повышение эффективности противоопухолевого действия и снижение общей токсичности доксорубицина путем его доставки новыми смешанными мицеллярными системами на основе ПЭГ-содержащего носителя и N-стеароилэтаноламина (NSE) / Гудзь Е.А., Панчук Р.Р., Рябцева А., Митина Н.Є., Скорохид Н.Р., Легка Л.В., Заиченко О.С., Гула Н.М., Стойка Р.С. // Раздел монографии Наноразмерные системы и наноматериалы: исследования в Украине / Редкол.: А.Г. Наумовец (глав. ред.) ; НАН Украины. – К. : Академпериодика, 2014. – 768 с., 4 с. ил. – С. 515-518.


Патенти на винахід (корисну модель), подані заявки::

  1. Патент України на винахід №105278 від 25.04.2014. Спосіб отримання каталітично активних антитіл (абзимів) із сіалідазною активністю. / Білий Р.О., Біла Є.Є., Кіт Ю.Я.



  1. Tomin A. Dumych T., Tolstyak Y., Kril I., Mahorivska I., Bila E., Stoika R., Herrmann M., Kit Y., Bilyy R. Desialylation of dying cells with catalytically active antibodies possessing sialidase activity facilitates their clearance by human macrophages. // Clin. Exp. Immunol. – 2015; 179:17-23. (IF=3.278)
  2. Kit Y. Bilyy R, Korniy N, Tomin A, Chop'yak V, Tolstyak Y, Antonyuk V, Stoika R.Two-step chromatography purification of IgGs possessing sialidase activity from human blood serum. // Biomed. Chromatogr. 2015; 29(3):328-332. (IF=1.723)
  3. Berdyshev A.G., Kosiakova H.V., Onopchenko O.V., Panchuk R.R., Stoika R.S., Hula N.M., N-Stearoylethanolamine suppresses the pro-inflammatory cytokines production by inhibition of NF-κB translocation. // Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. – 2015. 121 (Pt A): 91-6. (IF=2.377)
  4. Hor'ak D., Plichta Z., Starykovych M,. Myronovskij S., Kit Y., Chopyak V, Stoika R. Calf thymus histone-conjugated magnetic poly(2-oxoethyl methacrylate) microspheres for affinity isolation of anti-histone IgGs from the blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus // RCS Advances. 2015, 5, 63050–63055. (IF=3.840)
  5. Panchuk R.R., Prylutska S.V., Chumak V.V., Skorokhyd N.R., Lehka L.V., Evstigneev M.P., Prylutskyy Yu.I., Berger W., Heffeter P., Scharff P., Ritter U., Stoika R.S. Application of C60 fullerene-doxorubicin complex for tumor cell treatment in vitro and in vivo. // J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. – 2015. – V. 11, N.7. – P. 1139-1152. (IF=5.338)
  6. Antonyuk V., Grama S., Plichta Z., Magorivska I., Horak D., Stoika R. Use of specific polysaccharide-immobilized monodisperse poly(glycidyl methacrylate) core-silica shell microspheres for affinity purification of lectins. // Biomed. Chromatography. – 2015. - V. 29, Issue 5. Р. 783 – 787. (IF=1.662)
  7. Falfushynska H., Gnatyshyna L., Fedoruk O., Mitina N., Zaichenko A., Stoliar O., Stoika R. Hepatic metallothioneins in molecular responses to cobalt, zinc, and their nanoscale polymeric composites in frog Rana ridibunda. // Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015 Jun-Jul; 172-173: Р.45-56. (IF=2.301)
  8. Tsivinska M.V., Panchak L.V., Stoika R.S., Antonyuk V.O. Isolation, characteristics, and antioxidant activity of low molecular compounds of fruit bodies Lactarius pergamenus (Fr.) Fr mushrooms. // Journal of Advances in Biology. - 2015- V 6, No. 3 p. 1023- 1035. (IF=1.561)
  9. Buko V., Belonovskaya E., Naruta E., Lukivskaya O., Kanyuka O., Zhuk O., Kranc R., Stoika R., Sybirna N. Pituitary tumor transforming gene as a novel regulatory factor of liver fibrosis. // Life Sciences. 2015 Jul 1; 132: 34-40. (IF=2.702)
  10. Tanasienko I.V,, Yemets A.I., Finiuk N.S., Stoika R.R., Blume Y.B. DMAEM-based cationic polymers as novel carriers for DNA delivery into cells. // Cell Biol Int. 2015 Mar; 39(3): Р.243-245. (IF=1.933)
  11. Stoika R.S., Klyuchivska O.Yu., Biłoklicka G.F., Hodovana O.I. , Godovanyi O.V. Evaluation of individual biocompatibility of osteoplastic materials used in periodontal surgery: novel approach of ex vivo biotesting of fibroblast-like cells of gums bioptate of patients // Stomatologia-Wspolczesna – 2015; V22. N4. P. 10-19
  12. Turcheniuk K., Turcheniuk V., Hage C.H., Dumych T., Bilyy R., Bouckaert J., Héliot L., Zaitsev V., Boukherroub R., Szunerits S. Highly effective photodynamic inactivation of E.coli using gold nanorod/SiO2 core-shell nanostructures with embedded verteporfin. // Chem Commun (Camb). 2015 Nov 3;51(91):16365-16368. (IF=6.834)
  13. Yan X., Sivignon A., Alcouffe P., Burdin B., Favre-Bonté S., Bilyy R., Barnich N., Fleury E., Ganachaud F., Bernard J. Brilliant glyconanocapsules for trapping of bacteria. // Chem Commun (Camb). 2015 Aug 28;51(67):13193-13196. (IF=6.834)
  14. Fickentscher C., Magorivska I., Janko C., Biermann M., Bilyy R., Nalli C., Tincani A., Medeghini V., Meini A., Nimmerjahn F., Schett G., Muñoz L.E., Andreoli L., Herrmann M. The Pathogenicity of Anti-b2GP1-IgG Autoantibodies Depends on Fc Glycosylation. // J Immunol Res. 2015; 2015:638129. (IF=2.934)
  15. Bilyy R., Podhorodecki A. Сan we use rare-earth nanocrystals to target glycans for the visualization of melanoma? // Nanomedicine (Lond). 2015;10(13):1997-2000. (IF=5.413)
  16. Zagorodko O., Bouckaert J., Dumych T., Bilyy R., Larroulet I., Yanguas Serrano A., Alvarez Dorta D., Gouin S.G., Dima S.O., Oancea F., Boukherroub R., Szunerits S. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) for the Evaluation of Shear-Force-Dependent bacterial Adhesion. // Biosensors (Basel). 2015 May 26;5(2):276-287.
  17. Yan X, Sivignon A, Yamakawa N, Crepet A, Travelet C, Borsali R, Dumych T, Li Z, Bilyy R, Deniaud D, Fleury E, Barnich N, Darfeuille-Michaud A, Gouin SG, Bouckaert J, Bernard J. Glycopolymers as Antiadhesives of E.coli Strains Inducing Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. // Biomacromolecules. 2015 Jun 8;16(6):1827-1836. (IF=5.750)
  18. Sjöwall C, Zapf J, von Löhneysen S, Magorivska I, Biermann M, Janko C, Winkler S, Bilyy R, Schett G, Herrmann M, Muñoz LE. Altered glycosylation of complexed native IgG molecules is associated with disease activity of systemic lupus erythematosus. // Lupus. 2015 May;24(6):569-581. (IF=2.197)
  19. Prylutska S.V. Complex of C 60 fullerene with doxorubicin as a promising agent in antitumor therapy / S.V. Prylutska, L.M. Skivka, G.V. Didenko, Y.I. Prylutskyy, M.P. Evstigneev, G.P. Potebnya, R.R. Panchuk, R.S. Stoika, U. Ritter, P. Scharff // Nanoscale Research Letters ‑ 2015 – 10, ‑ P. 499. (IF=2.584)
  20. Boiko N.M., Klyuchivska O.Yu., Kobylinska L.I., Havrylyuk D.Ya., Mitina N.Ye., Lesyk R.B., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S. Vitality and morphology of tumor cells treated with 4-thiazolidinone derivatives immobilized on nanoscale polymer carrier // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2015. – V.8, №1. – P. 39-48.
  21. Myronovskij І. Isolation and characterization of peptides from blood serum of patients with multiple sclerosis. / Myronovskij І., Negrych N., Nehrych T., Starykovych M., Tkachenko V., Yukalo V., Storozh L., Nemchenko O, Lavryk G., Stoika R., Kit Y. // Studia Biologica. – 2015. – V. 9, №2. – P. 5–12.
  22. Kobylinska LI, Havrylyuk DY, Ryabtseva AO, Mitina NE, Zaichenko OS, Lesyk RB, Zimenkovsky BS, Stoika RS. Biochemical indicators of hepatotoxicity in blood serum of rats under the effect of novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and doxorubicin and their complexes with polyethyleneglycol-containing nanoscale polymeric carrier. // Ukr Biochem J. – 2015. – V. 87, №2. – P. 122-132.
  23. Tsivinska M.V. Isolation and properties of polyphenol oxidase from dasidiocarps of Lactarius pergamenus Fr. (Fr.) fungi / Tsivinska M. V., Antonyuk V.O., Stoika R.S. // Ukr. Biochem. J. - 2015.- V. 87, N 2. – P. 56–65.
  24. Tsivinska M.V. Biologically active substance of methanol extracts of dried Lactarius quetus and Lactarius volemus basidiomes mushrooms: idеntification and potential functions / Tsivinska M.V., Antonyuk V.O., Panchak L.V., Klyuchivska O.Yu., Stoika R.S. // Biotechnologia Acta. (Kyiv) – 2015. – N 2, – Р. 58-68.
  25. Годована О.І. Фармаколоґічна корекція експериментального пародонтиту на тлі системного остеопорозу / О.І. Годована, О.Ю. Ключівська, Р.С. Стойка // Acta Medica Leopoliensia. – 2015. – Т. 21, № 1. – С. 75-82.
  26. Гренюх В., Луцик М., Стойка Р., Бабський А. Порівняльна характеристика параметрів дихання і окисного фосфорилювання у мітохондріях лімфоми NK/Ly та печінки миші. // Біологічні студії / Studia Biologica – 2015. №2. – С. 39-50.
  27. Hodovana O.I. Klyuchivska O.Y., Stoika R.S. Level of cytokines (IL-6 and TGF-β1) in patients with generalized periodontitis at complex treatment with medications containing glycoseaminoglycanes. // Експериментальна та клінічна фізіологія і біохімія, – 2015 - Т. 21 № 4. С. 62-73
  28. Годована О.І., Ключівська О.Ю., Годований О.В., Мітіна Н.Є., Константінова Т.Є., Заіченко О.С., Стойка Р.С. Novel polymer-mineral ZrO2-Gd2O3 radiopaque nanocomposite with hyaluronic acid coating for repair bone defects in experiment. // Acta Medica Leopoliensia. – 2015. . - Т. 21 № 3. С. 78-83.
  29. Kоbylinska L.I. Havrylyuk D.Ya., Mitina N.E., Zаichenko A.S., Lesyk R.B., Zіmenkovsky B.S., Stoika R.S. • Biochemical indicators of hepatotoxicity in blood serum of rats under the effect of novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and doxorubicin and their complexes with polyethyleneglycol-containing nanoscale polymeric carrier. // Ukr. Biochem. J. 2015; Vol. 87(2); P. 122-132.
  30. Stoika R.S. Evaluation of individual biocompatibility of osteoplastic materials used in periodontal surgery: novel approach of ex vivo biotesting of fibroblast-like cells of gums bioptate of patients (Ocena biozgodności osobniczej na materiały osteoplastyczne stosowane w chirurgii przyzębia: nowatorskie ex vivo biotestowanie fibroblastopodobnych komórek z bioptatów dziąsła pacjenta) / R. S. Stoika G. F. Biłoklicka O. I. Hodovana O. V. Godovanyi O. Yu. Klyuchivska // Stomatologia Współczesna; – 2015. – V. 22, N 4. – Р. 10–19.
  31. Hodovana O.І. Development of novel ZrO2-Gd2O3 nanocomposite functionalized with hyaluronic acid and its application for repair of bone defects in experimental animals / O. І. Hodovana, O. Yu. Klyuchivska, O. V. Godovanyi, O. S. Miahkota, N. Ye. Mitina, T. Ye. Konstantinova, H. I. Kotsyumbas, A. S. Zaichenko, R. S. Stoika // Letters in Applied NanoBioScience, – 2015. – V. 5, Issue 3. – Р. 397-405.
  32. Годована О.І., Ключівська О.Ю., Годований О.В., Мітіна Н.Є., Константінова Т.Є., Заіченко О.С., Стойка Р.С. Novel polymer-mineral ZrO2-Gd2O3 radiopaque nanocomposite with hyaluronic acid coating for repair bone defects in experiment. // Acta Medica Leopoliensia. - 2015. - Т. 21 № 3. С. 78-83.
  33. Hodovana O.I. Kluchivska O.Y., Stoika R.S. Level of cytokines (IL-6 and TGF-β1) in patients with generalized periodontitis at complex treatment with medications containing glycosaminoglycanes. // Експериментальна та клінічна фізіологія і біохімія. 2015 - Т. 21 № 4. С. 62-73.
  34. Lootsik M.D. Preparation of chitosan with high blood clotting activity and laboratory investigation of hemostatic potential of chitosan specimens. / M.D. Lootsik, R.A. Bilyy, M.M. Lutsyk, R.S. Stoika // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2015. ‑ V. 8, N 6, – P.32-40.


Монографії (розділи в монографіях):

  1. Evaluation of ecotoxicity of waterborn metal-containing nanomaterials: novel approaches targeting metallothionein in aquatic animals / O. Stoliar, H. Falfushynska, O. Zaichenko, R. Stoika // In: Living organisms and bioanalytical approaches for detoxification and monitoring of toxic compounds. P. 177-186. Publisher: University of Rzeszow Rzeszow, Poland in cooperation with Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine. ‑ Rzeszów 2015.
  2. Антонюк Р.В., Луцик А.Д., Антонюк В.А. Опухолевые маркеры толстого кишечника и их медицинское значение. – 20-02- 2015 Lambert Academic Publishing. ‑ 76 c.
  3. Surface-modified magnetic nanoparticles for cell labeling / B.A. Zasonska, V. Patsula, R. Stoika, D. Horák // "The Chemistry and Physics of Engineering Materials" Editors:A. A. Berlin, R. Joswik, N.I. Vatin, / Modern Analytical Methodologies.‑ Apple Academic Press, NJ, USA. – 2015. – V. 1, Chapter 10. – P. 275-288.


Патенти на винахід (корисну модель), подані заявки:

  1. Патент України на винахід №109177 5-[2-хлоро-3-(4-нітрофеніл)-аліліден]-4-(3,5-діарил-4,5-дигідропіразол-1-іл)-5Н-тіазол-2-они, що виявляють протипухлинну активність in vitro та in vivo та спосіб їх солюбілізації. / Гаврилюк Д.Я., Зіменковський Б.С., Лесик Р.Б., Чумак В.В., Панчук Р.Р., Стойка Р.С. Заявка a201310289, затверджено 27.07.2015, бюл. №14.
  2. Патент на винахід №а201405945 від 30.05.2014, Міцелярна композиція на основі подвійних гідрофільних блок-кополімерів і доксорубіцину та її застосування як засобу протиракової дії. / Куницька Л.Р., Желтоножська Т.Б., Стойка Р.С., Бойко Н.М. затверджено 22.10.2015 р. бюл. №23.
  3. Патент України на корисну модель u 2015 05278, заявка від 28.05.2015. Спосіб діагностики та визначення тяжкості перебігу розсіяного склерозу / Негрич Т.І., Кирилюк С.Я., Стойка Р.С., Кіт Ю.Я. затверджено 07.09.2015 р.
  4. Заявка на Патент США на винахід: Bilyy R.O., Bila E.E., Kit Y.Y. Catalytic antibodies and uses thereof. WO2014037785 10


Методичні рекомендації:


Луцик М.Д. Невисокі технології отримання афінних сорбентів (Методичні розробки). – Львів, 2014. – 24 с.




Articles with IF:

  1. Prylutska S.V. Complex of C 60 fullerene with doxorubicin as a promising agent in antitumor therapy / S.V. Prylutska, L.M. Skivka, G.V. Didenko, Y.I. Prylutskyy, M.P. Evstigneev, G.P. Potebnya, R.R. Panchuk, R.S. Stoika, U. Ritter, P. Scharff // Nanoscale Research Letters ‑ 2015 – 10, ‑ P. 499 (IF=2.584)
  2. Senkiv J. 5-Ene-4-thiazolidinones induce apoptosis in mammalian leukemia cells. J. Senkiv, N. Finiuk, D. Kaminskyy, D. Havrylyuk, M. Wojtyra, I. Kril, A. Gzella, R. Stoika, R. Lesyk // Eur J Med Chem. – 2016, ‑ Jul 19; 117 – P.33-46. (IF=3.902)
  3. Pohrelyuk I.M. Effect of thermodiffusion nitriding on cytocompatibility of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy / I.M. Pohrelyuk, O.V. Tkachuk, R.V. Proskurnyak, N.M. Boiko, O.Yu. Kluchivska, R.S. Stoika // JOM (The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS))‑ 2016, ‑ V.68, Issue 4, ‑P. 1109-1115 (IF=1.798)
  4. Riabtseva A. Functional micelles formed by branched polymeric surfactants: Synthesis, characteristics, and application as nanoreactors and carriers / A. Riabtseva, N. Mitina, I. Grytsyna, N. Boiko, V. M. Garamus, H. Stryhanyuk, R. Stoika, A. Zaichenko // European Polymer Journal. – 2016, ‑ V. 75, ‑ P. 406-422. (IF=3.485)
  5. Myronovkij S. Identification of Ser-Pro-Cys peptide in blood serum of multiple sclerosis patients / S. Myronovkij, N. Negrych, T. Nehrych, V. Tkachenko, S. Souchelnytskyi, R. Stoika, Yu. Kit // Protein and Peptide Letters, 2016. Vol. 23, no 9, 808-811. (IF=1.069)
  6. Panchuk R.R. Antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine decrease negative side effects of doxorubicin in NK/Ly lymphoma-bearing mice / R.R. Panchuk, N.R. Skorokhyd, Yu.S. Kozak, L.V. Lehka, V.V. Chumak, S.N. Omelyanchik, V.A. Gurinovich, A.G. Moiseenok, R.S. Stoika // Croat. Med. J. – 2016. – V. 57, N.2. – P. 180-192. (IF=1.483)
  7. Kobylinska L.I. Putative anticancer potential of novel 4-thiazolidone derivatives: cytotoxicity toward rat glioma C6 in vitro and correlation of general toxicity with the balance of free radical oxidation in rats / L. I. Kobylinska, N. M. Boiko, R. R. Panchuk, I. I. Grytsyna, O. Yu. Klyuchivska, L. P. Biletska, R. B. Lesyk, B. Z. Zimenkovsky, R. S. Stoika // Croat. Med. J. – 2016. – V. 57, N.2. – P. 151-163. (IF=1.483)
  8. Tomin A. Magnetic separation of apoptotic cells with lectin-conjugated microparticles (Magnetische abtrennung apoptotischer zellen mit lektin-konjugierten mikropartikeln) / A. Tomin, T. Dumych, I. Kril, V. Antonyuk, V. Chopyak, L. Munoz, R. Stoika, M. Herrmann, R. Bilyy // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. – 2016, ‑ V. 47, Issue 2-3 ‑ P. 189–192. (IF=0.425)
  9. Magorivska I. Sialylation of anti-histone immunoglobulin G autoantibodies determines their capabilities to participate in the clearance of late apoptotic cells / I. Magorivska, L. E. Munoz, C. Janko, T. Dumych, J. Rech, G. Schett, F. Nimmerjahn, R. Bilyy, M. Herrmann // Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2016, 184: 110–117. (IF=3.148)
  10. Purwin M. Design and synthesis of novel dual-target agents for HDAC1 and CK2 inhibition / M. Purwin, J. Hernandez-Toribio, R. Panchuk, N. Skorokhyd, K. Filipiak, B. de Pascual-Teresa, A. Ramos // RSC Advances. – 2016. – V. 6, ‑ P. 66595-66608. (IF=3.840)
  11. Maueröder C. A blast without power - cell death induced by the tuberculosis-necrotizing toxin fails to elicit adequate immune responses / C. Maueröder, R. A. Chaurio, T. Dumych, M. Podolska, M. D. Lootsik, S. Culemann, R. P. Friedrich, R. Bilyy, C. Alexiou, G. Schett, C. Berens, M. Herrmann, L. E. Munoz // Cell Death Differ. – 2016. ‑ 23(6). ‑ P. 1016-1025. (IF=8.184)
  12. Muñoz L.E. Nanoparticles size-dependently initiate self-limiting NETosis-driven inflammation / L. E. Muñoz, R. Bilyy, M. H. Biermann, D. Kienhöfer, C. Maueröder, J. Hahn, J. M. Brauner, D. Weidner, J. Chen, M. Scharin-Mehlmann, C. Janko, R. P. Friedrich, D. Mielenz, T. Dumych, M. D. Lootsik, C. Schauer, G. Schett, M. Hoffmann, Y. Zhao, M. Herrmann // Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. – 2016. ‑ 113(40). ‑ P. E5856-E5865. (IF=9.423)
  13. Antonyuk R.V. Lectin purification from carp roe (Cyprinus carpio L..), research of its carbohydrate specificity and its application in histochemistry / R. V. Antonyuk, A. D. Lutsyk, V. O. Antonyuk // Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2016, V 57. N 3 ‑ P. 985-994. (IF=0.811)

  14. Articles in other editions included in the international science databases such as Web of Science, Scopus and others:
  15. Myronovkij S. Identification of a 48kDa form of unconventional myosin 1c in blood serum of patients with autoimmune diseases / S. Myronovkij, N. Negrych, T. Nehrych, M. J. Redowicz, S. Souchelnytskyi, R. Stoika, Yu. Kit // Biochem. Biophys. Reports. – 2016, – 5. – Р. 175-179;
  16. Negrych N. Identification of the unique properties of IgGs and their heavy chains in blood serum of multiple sclerosis patients / N. Negrych, S. Myronovskij, T. Nehrych, R. Stoika, Yu. Kit // J. Autoimmune Disorders. – 2016. – V. 2, N 2. – Р. 1-5.
  17. Finiuk N.S., Senkiv J.V., Riabtseva A.O., Mitina N.Y., Molochii N.I., Kitsera M.O., Avdieiev S.S., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S. Modulation of temozolomide action towards rat and human glioblastoma cells in vitro by its combination with doxorubicin and immobilization with nanoscale polymeric carrier // Ukr. Biochem. J. ‑ 2016; ‑ Т. 88. ‑ P. 87-98
  18. Kоbylinska L.I. Biochemical indicators of nephrotoxicity in blood serum of rats treated with novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives or their complexes with polyethyleneglycol-containing nanoscale polymeric carrier / L. I. Kоbylinska, D. Ya. Havrylyuk, N. E. Mitina, A. S. Zаichenko, R. B. Lesyk, B. S. Zіmenkovsky, R. S. Stoika // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2016. – V. 88, N 1.– P.51-60.
  19. Lehka L.V., Panchuk R.R. , Skorokhyd N.R. , Kozak Yu.S., Rohr J., Stoika R.S. Study of inhibition of B16f10 melanoma growth in mice by landomycin A in comparison to doxorubicin // Studia Biologica. – 2016. –V. 10, N 1. – P. 5-16.
  20. Krupak V.I., Malysheva Kh.V., Pavlenko O.К., Shafranska G.I., K. de Rooij, Löwik C.W.G.M., Stoika R.S., Korchynskyi O.G. The pttg1 is a novel inhibitor of osteogenic differentiation of mouse mesenchymal stem cells // The Animal Biology, ‑ 2016. – Vol. 18, N 1, ‑ P. 61–68.
  21. Hodovana O.I., Martovlos A.I., Godovanyi O.V., Kluchivska O.Y, Stoika R.S. Study of the parodontoprotective effect of glycosaminoglycans by determination of biometric efficiency criteria // Dental News – 2016, N1,-P.72-77.
  22. Hodovana O.I. Development of novel ZrO2-Gd2O3 nanocomposite functionalized with hyaluronic acid and its application for repair of bone defects in experimental animals / Hodovana O.I., Klyuchivska O.Yu., Godovanyi O.V., Miahkota O.S., Mitina N.Ye., Konstantinova T.Ye., Kotsyumbas H.I., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S., // Letters In Applied NanoBioScience. – 2016. – Vol. 5, Issue 3. – P. 397-405.
  23. Malysheva Kh.V. Generation of optimized preparations of bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration / Kh.V. Malysheva, I.M. Spasyuk, O.K. Pavlenko, R.S. Stoika, O.G. Korchynskyi // Ukr. Biochem. J. ‑ 2016. ‑ V. 88, N 6. ‑ P. 59–70.
  24. Myronovkij S. The characteristics of antibodies of mice immunized by human unconventional myosin 1C / S. Myronovkij, N.M. Boiko, V.V. Chumak, M.S. Shorobura, M.D. Lootsyk, R.S. Stoika, Yu.Ya. Kit // Ukr. Biochem. J. ‑ 2016. ‑ V. 88, N 6. ‑ P. 35-41.
  25. Finiuk N.S., Senkiv J.V., Riabtseva A.O., Mitina N.Y., Molochii N.I., Kitsera M.O., Avdieiev S.S., Zaichenko O.S., Stoika R.S. Modulation of temozolomide action towards rat and human glioblastoma cells in vitro by its combination with doxorubicin and immobilization with nanoscale polymeric carrier // Ukr. Biochem. Journal. – 2016. ‑ V. 88, Special Issue. ‑ Р.87-98.
  26. Lehka L.V., Panchuk R.R., Skorokhyd N.R., Kozak Yu.S., Rohr J., Stoika R.S. Study of inhibition of B16F10 melanoma growth in mice by landomycin A in comparison to doxorubicin // Studia Biologica. ‑ 2016. ‑ V. 10, N 1. ‑ P. 5-16.
  27. O.R. Vrubel, A.R. Zin, V.O. Antonyuk. Integrated use of the bark of spindle tree (Euonymus europaea l.): investigation of lipophilic substances // Pharm journal. -2016. - N 6. ‑ P. 79-87.



Articles with IF:

  1. Mokhir A. Lysosome-targeting amplifiers of reactive oxygen species as anticancer prodrugs / A. Mokhir, S. Daum, V. Reshetnikov, M. Sisa, T. Dumych, M. D. Lootsіk, R. Bilyy, E. Bila, C. Janko, C. Alexiou, M. Herrmann, L. Sellner // Angewandte Chemie International Edition. – 2017. Vol. 6. – P. 585-… (ІF=11.994)
  2. Englinger B. Intrinsic fluorescence of the clinically approved multikinase inhibitor nintedanib reveals lysosomal sequestration as resistance mechanism in FGFR-driven lung cancer / B. Englinger, S. Kallus, J. Senkiv, D. Heilos, L. Gabler, S. van Schoonhoven, A. Terenzi, P. Moser, Ch. Pirker, G. Timelthaler, W. Jaeger, Ch. Kowol, P. Heffeter, M. Grusch, W. Berger // Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. – 2017. – Vо. 36. – Р.122-135. (ІF=5.182)
  3. Panchuk R.R. Rapid generation of hydrogen peroxide contributes to the complex cell death induction by the angucycline antibiotic landomycin E / R.R. Panchuk, L.V. Lehka, A. Terenzi, B.P. Matselyukh, J. Rohr, A.K. Jha, T. Downey, I.J. Kril, I. Herbacek, S. van Schoonhoven, P. Heffeter, R.S. Stoika, W. Berger // Free Radical Biology and Medicine. – 2017. – Vol. 106. – P. 134-147 (ІF=5.606)
  4. Finiuk N. 1.4-Thiazolidinone derivative Les-3833 effectively inhibits viability of human melanoma cells through activating apoptotic mechanisms / N. Finiuk, N. Boiko, O. Klyuchivska, L. Коbylinska, I. Kril, B. Zimenkovsky, R. Lesyk, R. Stoika // Croat Med J. – 2017. – Vol. 58(2). – P. 129-139 (ІF=1.619)
  5. Коbylinska L.I. Differential pro-apoptotic effects of synthetic 4-thiazolidinone derivative Les-3288, doxorubicin and temozolomide in human glioma U251 cells / L.I. Коbylinska, O.Yu. Klyuchivska, I.I. Grytsyna, N.S. Finiuk, R.R. Panchuk, M.O. Starykovych, L.V. Lehka, R.B. Lesyk, B.S. Zіmenkovsky, R.S. Stoika // Croat Med J. – 2017. – Vol. 58(2). – P. 150-60 (IF=1.619)
  6. Panchuk R.R. Tissue-protective activity of selenomethionine and D-panthetine in B16 melanoma-bearing mice under doxorubicin treatment is not connected with their ROS scavenging potential / R.R. Panchuk, N.R. Skorokhyd, Y.S. Kozak, L.V. Lehka, A.G. Moiseenok, R.S. Stoika // Croat Med J. – 2017. – Vol. 58(2). – P. 171-84 (IF=1.619)
  7. Horák D. PEGylation controls attachment and engulfment of monodisperse magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) microspheres by murine J774.2 macrophages / D. Horák, H. Hlídková, O. Klyuchivska, I. Grytsyna, R. Stoika // Applied Surface Science. – 2017. - Vol. 426. - P. 315-324 (IF=3.387)
  8. Horak D. Magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) microspheres for affinity purification of antibodies for early diagnosis of multiples clerosis patients / D. Horak, H. Hlidkova, Yu. Kit, R. Stoika, V. Antonyuk, S. Myronovsky // Biosci. Rep. – 2017. – Vol. 37(2). - Р. 1–10 (IF=2.906)
  9. Kucinska-Lipka J. The influence of calcium glycerophosphate (GPCa) modifier on physicochemical, mechanical, and biological performance of polyurethanes applicable as biomaterials for bone tissue scaffolds fabrication. / J. Kucinska-Lipka, I. Gubanska, O. Korchynskyi, K. Malysheva, M. Kostrzewa, D. Włodarczyk, J. Karczewski, H. Janik // Polymers. – 2017. – Vol. 9(8). P. 329. (IF=3.364)

  10. Articles in other editions included in the international science databases such as Web of Science, Scopus and others:
  11. Malysheva Kh.V. 4-thiazolidinone–based derivatives rescue TNFα-inhibited osteoblast differentiation in mouse mesenchymal precursor cells / Kh.V. Malysheva, N.S. Finiuk, O.K. Pavlenko, D.Ya. Havrylyuk, R.B. Lesyk, R.S. Stoika, O.G. Korchynskyi // Ukr Biochem J. – 2017 ‑ Vol. 89 (Special Issue). – P. 112–123.
  12. N.S. Finiuk Antineoplastic activity of novel thiazole derivatives / N.S. Finiuk, V.P. Hreniuh, Yu.V. Ostapiuk, V.S. Matiychuk, D.A. Frolov, M.D. Obushak, R.S. Stoika, A.M. Babsky // Biopolym. Cell. – 2017. ‑ Vol. 33(2). – P. 135-146
  13. Kit Yu. Anti-histone H1 IgGs possess proliferative activity towards humanT-leukaemia CEM cells / Yu. Kit, I. Magorivska, R. Bilyi, S. Myronovskij, R. Stoika // Exp. Oncol. ‑ 2017. ‑ Vol. 39(1). – P. 36–41
  14. Kit Yu. Anti-DNA (“Cationic”) and Ani-Histone (“Anionic”) Auto-Antibodies: Two Sides of One Coin? / Kit Yu. // J. Translational Proteome Res. – 2017. ‑ V. 3. – P. 1-5
  15. Zelisko N.I. Screening of spiro-substituted thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazoles for their cytotoxic action on tumor cells / N.I. Zelisko, N.S. Finiuk, V.M. Shvets, Yu.O. Medvid , R.S. Stoika, R.B. Lesyk // Biopolym. Cell. ‑ 2017. ‑ Vol. 33. (N 4). P. 282–290
  16. Myronovskij S. Characteristics of Potential Protein Biomarkers Extracted with 10% TCA from Blood Serum of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma Patients / S. Myronovskij, O. Shalay, V. Spivak, R. Stoika, Yu. Kit // Int J Mol Cell Med.‑ 2017. ‑ Vol 6(4). – Р. 1-4

  17. Articles in professional publications of Ukraine:
  18. Malysheva Kh. shRNA-mediated knockdown of pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (PTTG1): optimization of the effect and targeting of early osteoblast differentiation in murine mesenchymal stem cells / Kh. Malysheva, O. Pavlenko, R. Stoika, O. Korchynskyi // Animal Biology. – 2017. ‑ Vol. 19(2). – P. 70-8
  19. N.O. Negrych, S.L. Myronovskij, T.I. Nehrych, Yu.Ya. Kit, R.S. Stoika. Modern aspects of B lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis: the use of B-cell biomarkers in clinical practice // International neurological journal – 2017. - Vol. 3(89). – P. 38-44
  20. Stoika R. How The Multifunctional Nanocarrier Makes The Medicine «Smart»? // Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Medicine. – 2017. ‑ V. 49 (1). – P. 41, 48-52



Multifunctional nanomaterials for biology and medicine: molecular design, synthesis and application”.(Ed. R.S. Stoika) - 2017. – 364 p.


Methodical recomendations:

Antonyuk V.O., Panchak L.V. Methodical recommendations on pharmacognosy for pharmacists-interns in the speciality “General Pharmacy”. – Lviv. – 2017. – 44 p.

